In a message dated 2/23/2010 10:12:22 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
_jann...@gmail.com_ (  writes: 
Until health care is seen as a basic right of citizenship (or residence),  
the government can always deny it to this or that part of the population. 
These  workers will go down fighting for something they think they deserve, 
not what  they think Americans or human beings deserve. Even if they win in 
their  struggle, 40-80 million Americans have already lost. 
I have not been detained enough in describing the actual struggle and  
process as it took place. RETIREES FOR SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE has as its core 
Conyers health care bill 676, which proposes to provide health care for 
everyone  in the United States of North America. Our union - UAW, has passively 
stated in  its documents at every Constitutional Convention, its desire for 
such a system  of national health care in America. This call for a system 
of national health  care is perhaps twenty years old. The problem arises 
because there is never any  union activity to realize this goal. 
I do not want to get lost in all the details but the system of health care  
for auto workers, was owned and controlled by the auto companies as profits 
 centers. For instance the largest system of hospitals in Detroit remains 
the  Henry Ford hospital to this very day. Thus, there has not been a 
historic  impulse arising from within the organized autoworkers for a all 
health  care system as an answer to autoworkers health care concerns. 
When retirees lost our company sponsored eye and dental coverage and as the 
 company pushed to detach retirees from company sponsored health care, 
retired  workers sought to combine together to retain their traditional heath 
care  coverage. This process of combining together is in its first phase and 
began  with four, maybe six people. These older workers retain a sense of 
organization,  militancy and connections with the historic communist current as 
a part of their  age and generations inheritance. What was a hand full of 
people in six months  became meetings of 30 - 40 people, with presidents of 
Local Union retirees  groups meeting. 
Ten months ago resistance to passing out our literature was faced at  
various local union meeting in around the city. Some union leaders sought to  
shout us down in union meetings or prohibit us from disturbing literature in 
the  meetings, although we were polite and respectful and always asked. Then 
the  threat came, which we face and replied "we are fuckng armed and can 
start dying  right fucking now." As the crisis deepened and an interest in the 
new VEBA plans  rose we became popular and all was forgiven about our 
"anti-union" attitude. The  word slowly spread that some of us were meeting on 
Monday’s at Local 22. People  started showing up. We started taking part in all 
meeting and protest for  national health care and began a "running 
education" on the health care crisis. 
The point trying to be made in the "same page article" by Sam Webb is how  
to fight things out in real time and why it is impossible to fight on the 
level  of fighting a system. Condemning Obama and the Obama administration is 
an act of  futility and nothing more than sectarianism in the context of 
actually trying to  organize small groups of people to express their struggle 
for survival. 
The struggle of the workers - proletarian, always passes through phases  
embodying how individuals and the collective mind perceives its rights. This  
perception of "rights" is shaped by and a product of the era of the  
bourgeoisie.  The struggle of the proletariat in all countries is in fact a  
struggle over shares of the social products, services and for greater political 
liberty. As a general rule most strike struggle - not all, go down in defeat 
but  one must fight or die. What is different about this new emerging fight 
is the  perception by these older workers that their struggle is that of a 
class. Yes,  this perception is still fuzzy, but the retired workers 
combining under the  banner of a single payer system means transcending the 
bound of "my  individual needs." 
We are in for exciting and glorious times. 
Lt us march on til victory is one/won. 

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