In a message dated 3/19/2010 10:20:08  A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:  

Is the difference between "antagonism" and " contradiction" that antagonism 
 is irreconcilable, but contradiction is reconcilable ? 
There were some other new classes in the new bourgeois system besides the  
bourgeoisie and the proletariat - slaves and colonial subjects. The new 
forces  and relations of production  in antagonism with the feudal order 
included  colonialism and slavery as well as wage-labor/capital. Marx says that 
colonialism  and slavery were " the chief momenta of primitive  accumulation." 
1. The concept of antagonistic and non-antagonistic contradictions is not  
put forth in the glossary, with no disrespect meant to the Soviet "Textbook 
of  Marist Philosophy" or Mao’s writings on "Contradiction."  Antagonism is 
not  contradiction. Antagonism is a form of resolution of the contradiction 
between  more than less static relations of production and mobile productive 
Here is how Marx writes this: 
5). At a certain stage of their development, 
6). the material  productive forces of society 
7). come into conflict with the existing  relations of production or – 
(this merely expresses the same thing in legal  terms ) with the property 
relations within the framework of which they have  operated up until then. 
8). From forms of development of the productive  forces 
9). these relations turn into their fetters. 
10). Then begins an  epoch of social revolution.. 
(1859 Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy) 

Antagonism is how a society rent with class contradiction, leaps to a  
qualitative new mode of production. The form of resolution takes place as the  
wiping out, destruction or liquidation of the old classes connected to the 
old  means of production. The serf form of servitude, as a property relations 
-  landed property, and founded on hand labor and early manufacturing,  is  
liquidated from history on the basis of a development of new productive 
forces  and new social relations that correspond to the new means of 
2). Agree with the second part of the issue. The problem of a glossary  is 
isolating what is fundamental. Thus, an index called "fundamentality" is 
part  of the glossary. Then there is an index titled "primitive accumulation." 
I swear I am going to send you the draft before it is completed and  
professionally edited. If you know a professional editor, preferably a comrade  
let me know and they can be paid a stipend. 
"Forces of destruction" is not an "index" although included in crisis of  
capital as overproduction and the destruction of commodities and means of  
Charles, swear to God gonna holla before the month is out but been on jam. 
Yet, no way we could leave out "primitive accumulation of capital." 
Again, this is written for folks with zero understanding of anything  
remotely Marx. But they are flocking to any center of gravity with new thinking 
that express what they see and feel. 


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