In a message dated 3/24/2010 9:34:31 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

CB: Well, a contradiction is sort of ripe to be superceded (sorry  
Althusser) when it is an antagonism. So, in this sense it is more _ready_ for  
resolution than a non-antagonistic contradiction. But in its state of 
it is not resolved, it is still in contradiction, sharp contradiction. 
Another problem with this is that it is using "antagonism" in contradiction 
 (ha) with the its standard, let alone Marxist, dictionary definition.
The presumption is that non-antagonistic and antagonistic contradiction is  
a misunderstanding of society transition form one mode of production to 
another;  a historical error. Sorry Soviet Textbook. Sorry Chairman Mao. Sorry 
old school  Marxists. Contradiction or rather contradiction in internal to a 
process -  quality, is just that, no more no less. Each stage in the 
development of  contradiction, prepares the basis for its further development 
resolution.  The problem is that the bourgeoisie evolve as a contradiction 
and are birthed in  antagonism with the feudal order and its underlying 
Fpr CB
Antagonism: 7.0 
Antagonism is the basis of destruction and a form of transition to a new  
mode of production. It is a form of resolution of relations of production  
property as these relations enters into collision with qualitatively  changing 
productive forces. That is to say the conflict between  qualitatively new 
productive forces and old relations of  production in a  class society, 
cannot be resolved based on the struggle between the two  classes constituting 
the old relations of production. Resolution takes place  outside - external, 
the contradiction of the two classes constituting old  relations of 
production. Resolution is negation by destruction of the two old  classes and 
property form.. 
"The bourgeois mode of production is the last antagonistic form of the  
social process of production – antagonistic not in the sense of individual  
antagonism but of an antagonism that emanates from the individuals' social  
conditions of existence – but the productive forces developing within bourgeois 
 society create also the material conditions for a solution of this  
antagonism.(Marx).  (see Dialectics: quantity, quality, the antagonistic  
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I believe the above is much more accurate, but who can understand it except 
 those studied in Marxism. Which defeats the purpose of a glossary and 
converts  it into a dictionary of Marxist Thought. 

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