CB: The new _quality_ in the productive forces is their greater and greater 
 socialization of the laborers. Notice Marx refers to The shifts from steam 
to  oil as a main fuel, or the shift to electricity, or the shift to 
computers and  new forms of communication and transportation all allow greater 
numbers of  workers working in cooperation, over larger areas. 
WL: The new quality in means of production are exclusively their  
technological component. This new quality in turn is expressed as the growth of 
division of labor in society, which in turn reorders the social organization 
 of labor. 
The new quality in means of production manifesting the industrial  
revolution begins with the steam engine and passes to the electro-mechanical  
process, as this process negates manufacture. That is the new quality. 
Computers and advanced robotics are not quantitative develops of the steam  
engine or the internal combustion engine. Computers and advanced robotics 
evolve  as the negation of industrial implements, which had previously 
negated the  manufacturing process. This negation does not take place all at 
time, but at  a much rapid rate than the previous qualitative change in the 
means of  production, ie, the industrial revolution. 
********** II. 
CB: It is the _centralization_ or monopoly ownership of means of production 
 and the increasing socialization of the organization of labor that is the 
key  antagonism. The question might be asked how more specifically is 
centralized  ownership in antagonism with socialized labor.   Part is the 
is  :come to Detroit and see (smile) 
WL: "Centralization or monopoly ownership of means of production" combines  
two separate movements to = "socialization of the organization of labor." 
Monopoly ownership of means of production is the same old bourgeois  
property relations. Monopoly capitalism is not qualitatively different from  
non-monopoly capitalism from the standpoint of the property relations. The  
difference is on the quantitative side of the quantity/quality scale. 
Antagonism arises EXCLUSVIELY from private property, not means of  
production or their socialization. What arises from means of production or 
socialization is contradiction. Centralized ownership IS NOT in antagonism 
with  socialized labor. Centralized ownership under the bourgeois mode of 
production  means further concentration of capital as a social power. 
Bourgeois private property contains the germ of antagonism because it is  
private property, not because of a monopoly stage. Bourgeois private property 
is  birthed in antagonism with feudal property. Bourgeois private property 
evolves  in contradiction with the socializations of labor, as this 
socialization express  the further development of the means of production.  At 
certain stage in  the development of the material power of productive forces, 
the bourgeois  private property relations enter into antagonism with the new 
productive forces. 
With the post industrial revolution well underway the qualitatively new  
productive forces evolve in antagonism with bourgeois private property. 
Negation as a model describing process development is not the same as  
antagonism. Yet, a movement of antagonism presupposes that "something" has been 
or is being negated. I understand Marx historical tendency of capitalist  
accumulation to be a model of negation and the negation of the negation. The  
germ of antagonism is present due to private property, rather than the 
evolution  of centralization of production. That is centralization of 
forces  expresses the ever developing division of labor in society, which 
during the  epoch of the bourgeoisie takes place on the basis of bourgeois 
private property. 
Development - change, is driven by contradiction internal to that which is  
the focus of investigation. In this example centralization of production, 
called  centralization of ownership is the object of investigation. Monopoly 
ownership  does not exist in antagonism with socialized labor.  In fact we 
communist  demand monopoly ownership of means of production by the working 

CB: How about it is the antagonism between the increasingly privatized (to  
the point of monopoly) mode of _appropriation_ , that is form of ownership 
or  property, and the socialized mode of production ( the organization of 
production  , not new technologies or machines) that generates the change to 
socialism from  capitalism ? ( See penultimate chapter of _Capital_ you 
quoted earlier). Here is  part of it: 
WL. I subscribe to a different point of view. Bourgeois private property,  
as a historically evolved social relations of production, enters into 
antagonism  with qualitatively new means of production, rather than technology. 

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