June 29 2010 Financial Times

Greece's best option is an orderly default By Nouriel Roubini

It is time to recognise that Greece is not just suffering from a
liquidity crisis; it is facing an insolvency crisis too. Rating
agencies have started to downgrade its public debt to junk level,
while spreads on Greek sovereign bonds last week spiked to new highs.
The 110bn bail-out agreed by the European Union and the International
Monetary Fund in May only delays the inevitable default and risks
making it disorderly when it comes. Instead, an orderly restructuring
of Greece's public debt is needed now.

The austerity measures to which Greece signed up as a condition of its
bail-out require a draconian fiscal adjustment of 10 per cent of gross
domestic product. This would prolong the country's recession and still
leave it with a public debt-to-GDP ratio of 148 per cent by 2016. At
this level, even a small shock is likely to trigger a further debt
crisis. Sharp austerity may be needed -- as agreed by the Group of 20
over the weekend -- to stabilise debt-to-GDP ratios by 2016 in
advanced economies; but for Greece such "stabilisation" would be at
levels that are unsustainable.

Compare Greece today with Argentina in 1998-2001, a crisis that
culminated in a disorderly default. Argentina's fiscal deficit at the
onset was 3 per cent of GDP; Greece's is 13.6 per cent. Argentina's
public debt was 50 per cent of GDP; Greece's is 115 per cent and
rising. Argentina had a current account deficit of 2 per cent of GDP;
Greece's is now 10 per cent. If Argentina was insolvent, Greece is
insolvent to the power of two or three.

Those arguing that Greece can escape debt restructuring point to
previous sharp fiscal cutbacks made by countries such as Belgium,
Ireland and Sweden in the 1990s. But such examples are irrelevant,
having occurred over longer periods and in times of economic growth.
They also took place against a backdrop of falling interest rates,
with depreciating currencies helping to boost growth.

Others think a Greek restructuring would see massive losses for the
European financial institutions that hold most of the country's public
debt. Yet while a pre-emptive restructuring could limit this damage,
postponing will only make it worse. As both Argentina and Russia's
crisis in 1998 showed, support from the IMF does not prevent an
eventual default. Indeed, it can actually cause greater damage to the
country and its creditors when the former is insolvent.

When official money is used to keep a country afloat, those lucky
investors whose debt claims are about to come to maturity often exit
scot-free as IMF/EU support allows them to be paid in full. But when
the eventual default comes, losses to the remaining creditors are more
severe, because public creditors get the first slice of what remains.
In short, orderly restructurings -- as happened in Pakistan and
Ukraine in 1999 and Uruguay in 2002 -- are better for most private
creditors, the debtor nation and multilateral institutions than an
Argentine-style botched bail-out.

Pakistan, Ukraine and Uruguay all restructured their debt by swapping
old obligations to creditors with new deals that extended for many
years the time over which the countries had to pay back. These
agreements also capped the interest rates on the new debt to
sustainable and below-market levels. Importantly, the total face value
of the debt was not reduced, as normally happens in abrupt defaults.

Of course, giving nations longer in which to pay and helping with
generous rates mean creditors experience losses. But their loss is
much less than under an outright default. Since the market value of
their existing debt has already fallen sharply, there will be no
additional mark-to-market losses either, which is part of the reason
why these orderly restructurings saw the vast majority -- more than 90
per cent -- of creditors sign up.

Indeed, restructuring Greece's debt should be even easier. In those
three emerging market economies, public debt was issued in foreign
jurisdictions -- namely London and New York -- creating a risk that
creditors would hold out and sue to regain their assets, as sovereign
immunity is limited in foreign courts. But 95 per cent of Greek debt
was issued in Greece itself, where domestic sovereign immunity laws
greatly reduce the risk of hold-outs and litigation.

Another advantage is that most of the banks holding Greek debt are
keeping it in their "to maturity" bucket rather than their "trading
book" bucket. So long as the face value of the debt is not reduced
they can still pretend -- as they are doing now -- that it is still
worth 100 cents on the dollar when the actual market value is already

The bitter pill of debt restructuring could be taken with appropriate
sweeteners, such as credit enhancements supported by the IMF and EU.
Certainly, it would be better to use a small amount of public money to
tempt creditors into a pre-emptive deal now than waste 110bn of it
trying to prevent an unavoidable restructuring later. Such public
resources would be better used to help ring-fence other embattled
eurozone economies -- such as Spain -- whose debt may come under
renewed pressure.

In short, an orderly restructuring of Greece's public debt is
achievable and desirable for the debtor and its creditors. If Europe
wants to avoid a deepening crisis, it is unavoidable too.

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