Poland's Elections, A New Opening for the Left?

Gavin Rae

Submitted to portside

Thursday, 1 July 2010


Grzegorz Napieralski, candidate of the Democratic Left
Alliance (SLD), gained 13.7% in the first round of
Poland’s presidential elections. It is a sign of how
far the Polish left has fallen in recent years that
this was met with an almost euphoric reaction in
Napieralski’s camp. However, this vote was more or less
the same as the left had achieved in the 2007
parliamentary elections and far below the more than 40%
that had taken the SLD into power in 2001.

Yet there are some very real reasons why the left
should welcome Napieralski’s result. Firstly, is
because it had looked as though it was going to be much
worse. At the start of the campaign support for
Napieralski was languishing in low single figures and
he seemed unable to galvanise many within his own party
and the wider left. Those standing on the edges of the
SLD, and those who had previously defected, rushed to
give their support for Citizen Platform’s (PO)
candidate – Bronisaw Komorowski. These included
representatives of the failed Social Democratic Party
of Poland (SdPL) such as Marek Borowski and Tomasz
Nacz alongside former Prime Minister Wodzimierz
Cimoszewicz. Also, the most liberal wing of the SLD –
under the influence of former President Aleksander
Kwasniewski – abstained from participating in
Napieralski’s campaign, with high-profile figures such
as Ryszard Kalisz openly critical of Napieralski. The
Komorowski camp also reached out to the liberal wing of
the left by, for example, appointing another former PM,
Marek Belka, as the new president of the National Bank
of Poland

The distancing of the left’s liberal old-guard from
Napieralski perhaps turned out to be his greatest
asset. Napieralski was elected SLD leader in 2007,
replacing his rival Wojciech Olejniczak, after the
failed attempt by the SLD to create an electoral
alliance with the small liberal-centre currents that
remained outside of PO. Olejniczak was promoted by
Kwasniewski, who for nearly two decades has been
seeking to form a political alliance between the left
and the liberal centre – a strategy that has time and
again ended in failure. The final logic of this
approach has been to try and move the SLD towards
forming an alliance with PO – a party that can only
really be considered to be liberal on economic issues.
This would once again drive the left into an isolated
cul-de-sac and would almost inevitably signal the SLD’s
fatal demise.

In the run-up to the 2nd round of presidential
elections, liberal voices within the left-camp have
urged the left electorate to give their votes to
Komorowski. These have included elements of Poland’s
cultural elite, parading as representatives of the
left, who have focused on the minor differences between
Komorowski and Kaczyski on cultural issues, whilst
entirely ignoring matters of economic policy.

Despite these pressures Napieralski has announced that
he will not recommend a vote for either of the two
right-wing candidates in the second round of elections.
This decision was the correct one if the left has any
chance to rebuild itself as a strong, independent force
in Polish politics. We can understand why this is so if
we analyse the vote that Napieralski received in the
first round (I shall be partly drawing upon a good
analysis of this vote which can be found in Polish here
- http://www.sld.org.pl/aktualnosci/p-r-m-a-5269/

Firstly, Napieralski received his highest number of
votes from young people and the lowest amongst the
elderly. This inverts the previous perception of the
SLD as being a party of the older generation who are
attached to the former â€̃communist’ system.
Concurrently, however, Napieralski also gained a high
vote in small towns and in Poland’s provinces. In
effect this means that Napieralski managed to win the
votes of those that are more drawn to culturally
liberal issues and those of personal freedom; alongside
those who would support more economic redistribution
and social equality.

This in itself is a minor breakthrough for the left –
because it takes them out of their shrinking ghetto and
expands into new sections of the electorate. By not
supporting either candidate in the second round of
elections, Napieralski is potentially able to build
upon this opening.

This however will not be easy. Napieralski’s relative
success was not built upon delivering a clear programme
of political sustance that could unite and take forward
the left. Rather he managed to present himself as a
young, independent alternative for those who are tired
of voting for candidates who represent two sides of the
same conservative coin. Napieralski ran an energetic
campaign - travelling extensively around the country
and visiting workplaces and factories. However, this
rested largely upon a PR campaign focussed upon
building the image of Napieralski as being young,
modern and in touch with ordinary people.

Napieralski now faces a dilemna. On the one hand he
could hope that the goodwill felt towards him will
spill over into the forthcoming local elections and
next years parliamentary elections. This would at best
maintain the SLD’s present level of support, allowing
it to negotiate places in a future PO-SLD (or even
PiS-SLD) government. However, the long-term effects of
such a strategy would be disastrous for the left and
would undoubtedly speed up its decline. The other
alternative is that Napieralski returns to his former
role of being a loyal representative of the SLD and
concentrate on firming up the support of its core
electorate. However, this would lead the SLD into
isolation, fail to expand the left’s vote (for simple
demographic reasons this loyal SLD electorate is
steadily declining) and continue its steady demise.

Rather Napieralski has to attempt to seize the
political iniative and use this limited breakthrough to
help unite the left within a new political and
organisation framework. The challenge for the left is
to break apart the governing political dichotomy, which
is based upon dividing society between â€̃winners’ and
â€̃losers’ of the transition. The essential assumption is
that on the one hand there are a group of voters who
are culturally open and modern and supportive of
free-market economic policies; while on the other there
is a section of society who are culturally conservative
and supportive of economic redistriion and government
intervention. This is far too simplistic a description
of Polish society. The left has to attempt to forge a
new political position which can attract the support of
different sections of society on a programme of
economic development, equality and cultural tolerance.

This will not be an easy task and it is a perspective
that is not focussed entirely on the upcoming elections
but one that seeks the long-term strengthening of the
left. It is to be seen whether Napieralski is able to
take the first step in such a political direction.


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