In a message dated 7/13/2010 9:23:23 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, 
_cb31...@gmail.com_ (  writes: 
CB: Ok  Isn't class antagonism you describe a conflict between the old  
division of labor and the new division of labor with the new division of labor  
arising based on development  of new organization of production and new  
means and instruments of production ?
The environment of one things always merge with and acts as the environment 
 of another thing. The conflict between old means of production and new 
means of  production is an issue of transition from old methods and means to 
new methods  and means. This conflict - contradiction between old means and 
new means, is  resolved quantitatively or by development of the new means in 
stages until the  new means of production gain dominance and primacy as the 
new division of labor.  Specifically, each quantitative advance of 
implementing new means of production  - a new quality, brings to an end 
expansion of 
production on the old basis and  further reconfigure means of production on 
the new basis. This contradiction  between old and new means of production is 
resolved in stages. 
Antagonism is not contradiction. 
Antagonism is a form of resolution of property rather than means of  
production development. Antagonism IS NOT a form of resolution of "a conflict  
between the old division of labor and the new division of labor with the new  
division of labor arising based on development." 
Antagonism  or class antagonism arises from property forms NOT  instru
ments, tools, energy source or means of production. Bourgeoisie and  
are property categories that arise based on a division of  labor.  But the 
genesis of the antagonism is the long  history of private property. 
Bourgeoisie and proletariat arise in antagonism  with the serf form of labor - 
property, and the serf as a property category  evolved in unity and conflict - 
contradiction, with the nobility. Nobility is a  concept of a property 
relations rather than a description of a certain stage of  development of the 
division of labor. The serf is a concept of property and  political status 
than a category of means of production. Beneath the serf  form of property 
is a living human being utilizing a historically evolved  collection of means 
of production expressing a division of labor. Say a wooden  plow and then a 
steel tip plow. This serf is perhaps a "plowman" but his status  as serf 
means he is a subject as opposed to a citizen because his political  status 
makes him the property of another human being. 
On the other hand the law of value arises from and has its genesis in the  
division of labor rather than the form of property. The law of value speaks 
of  equal quantities - magnitudes, of labor being exchangeable with one 
The moment of means of production and social relations (political status)  
occur simultaneously but there is a difference. 

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