Chuck Grimes

Oh, look at the larger picture. These same violent herding peoples are
now running our armed forces, manning the wars against the inner
violence of sheep herding cultures of Iraq and Afghanistan... where
does it all end? The nuclear sheep bomb?


CB: Yeah and think about all the peaceful shepherds that Jesus hung out with ?

And check the below out. It will really blow your mind. Like my
grandmother uses to say to the racist Irish in Philadelphia: "You're
not all white".


This page updated January 2004. The news that Senator Strom Thurmond had a
mixed race daughter who had remained a secret to the outside world for
several decades was not news for genealogists and historians. They've long
known about the many great families of the South with mixed race histories.
Arguably, the most notable among these is the great political "Ur" family of
the South, the Gibsons. Why the early and rich history of this family has
been so ignored would be amusing, if it were not such a clear cut example of
how certain subjects can be too politically incorrect to handle.

Gideon Gibson's family first appeared in the records when they applied for
land in the Santee River area in South Carolina around 1730. Although some
objected to their being "free colored men with their white wives," in the
end they were given permission by Governor Robert Johnson.

Soon after, they became part of a sociological phenomenon which the few
scholars who have looked at it have still not satisfactorily explained.
Probably due to the difficulty of working land without recourse to labour
(whether from slavery or indentured servitude) there occured in early South
Carolina beginning sometime in the late 1740s and ending just prior to the
Revolution, a rather surprising number of fairly substantial land holders
who sold their properties and for lack of a better description, simply went

Living together in the woods in loose communities, they refused to work and
existed by poaching, theft and as they grew more desperate, highway robbery
and raids on the homes and farms of their law abiding, hard working
neighbours. Besides the women they abducted who became just as criminally
proficient, their ranks swelled with a great many Indians and runaway

In the end, these 'banditi' were brought to heel by the Gibsons and other
farming families. Located too far from the centres of British colonial
administration, they took the law into their own hands and eventually caused
greater concern to the British government than the troublesome element they
had initially gone up against. For these morally upstanding and highly
industrious pioneers with the Gideon Gibson as their leader, go down in
history as the country's first vigilantes - or'regulators' as they were
known then. It was their initiative that instigated those movements which, a
few decades later, would erupt into the most violent of that kind of action
- lynching.

It should be pointed out here, however, that the most aggressive force
employed by this group was a good whipping which at that time in history was
the standard legal punishment for the behaviour they were attempting to
curtail. Incidentally, and I cannot help but find some amusement in the
fact, this is what they also meted out to the British soldiers who were sent
out to quell them.

In what was then the only monograph written on these events, Richard Maxwell
Brown's "South Carolina Regulators," the author was aware of the colour of
these ambitious and successful farmers such as the Gibsons, but he made no
mention of it in his work. Obviously, he was not about to take
responsibility for pointing out that the most terrifying sociological
reaction to the black community in the early 1900s had been initiated by
people of colour a century and a half earlier.

Southern Families Other academics have skirted this history for another
reason it seems. This group of mixed race plantation owners who finally
subdued the 'bush' outlaws and whose descendants by the time of the Civil
War had become some of the wealthiest and most politically influential
figures of Georgia, the Carolinas, Kentucky and Tenesee - were of the same
ethnic stock. The matrimonial alliances of one branch of the Gibson clan,
for example, were contracted almost exclusively with congressional,
senatorial and gubernatorial families of these southern states. Senator
Gibson of Louisiana and the founder of Tulane University was a scion of this

A subsequent observation Maxwell Brown made caused me almost as much
excitement as my discovery of this deep dark secret surrounding the African
strain in the genealogy of our Southern aristocracy. For in this episode of
Southern history can be heard some of the earliest drumbeats of the oncoming
American Revolution. As a part of the campaign the Gibsons mounted demanding
the government restore law and order, they further alienated the British
colonial office by witholding their taxes. Hardly a dozen years or so
earlier than the Revolution, it was they who started the famous chant, "no
taxation without representation," which would gather momentum through the
rest of the states and finally culminate in this country's great War of

It is undoubtedly due to local memories of families like the Gibsons and the
Pendarvises that when, at the turn of the century, the one drop or "any
amount whatsoever ascertainable" definition of "negro" was being adopted by
a majority of the Southern states, the South Carolina Legislature in 189S
decided not to follow suit. During the discussion on the floor, one of the
members pointed out that were such a law enforced, too many descendants of
those who had served during the civil war would not be allowed to marry into
white families of the same social standing they had long presumed themselves
to be. The Legislature finally settled on one eighth or more of African
ancestry as their definition of who was Negro. Prior to this decision, South
Carolina as well as most other Southern states, had usually ruled in
questions of racial identity that if an individual looked white and acted
white then he or she was legally white. Virginia, for instance, would not
adopt the "one drop" law until the 1920s

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