UAW, Rainbow PUSH join for ‘Jobs, Justice and Peace’
-- 7/18/2010
National march in Detroit August 28 to kick off campaign
By Diane Bukowski
Michigan Citizen

DETROIT — A rising tide of hope for the future hit Detroit July 12.
Rainbow PUSH leader Jesse Jackson and prominent union, church and
community representatives kicked off a campaign to rebuild the
nation’s cities, provide jobs and education, enact a moratorium on
foreclosures, and end the wars in the Middle East.

United Auto Workers President Bob King and Jackson are the key leaders
of the Jobs, Justice and Peace campaign, which was unveiled at a press
conference in UAW Solidarity House on E. Jefferson. They announced
that a march in Detroit on Aug. 28, the 47th anniversary of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.’s 1963 march on Washington, D.C., will kick it off.
King hosted a Freedom Walk of 125,000 in Detroit that June, where he
first gave his historic “I Have a Dream” speech.

Jackson said Detroit is again “ground zero” for the crisis faced by
the nation’s cities. In addition to the march in Detroit, Jackson said
the coalition is calling on people across the nation to march at their
local unemployment offices.

“It’s a good day to be alive in Detroit,” Rev. David Bullock said.
Bullock, pastor of St. Matthews Church, is a Rainbow PUSH leader and
also heads the Highland Park branch of the NAACP. He and King helped
lead a march on Chase Bank sponsored by the U.S. Social Forum in June.

“I represent the Facebook, Twitter and hip hop generation, which
sometimes says marches are out of style,” said Bullock. “But marches
won civil rights laws and created the benefits we have in our world
now. It is time to demand good-paying jobs, an end to seniors being
held in bondage to the pharmaceutical companies and an end to people
deciding whether to turn their lights on or eat. People must come out
of their churches, union halls and homes to take the streets again.”

Speakers targeted the nation’s banks, corporations and war as the
culprits responsible for the misery of its people.

“The government bailed out the banks with our tax dollars, but the
banks never reinvested in our country,” Jackson said. “Instead, they
say to urban American ‘austerity and deficit reduction,’ and have
foreclosed four million more homes this year.

“The public sector is under attack, public education and public
housing are being cut, but Congress just voted $6 billion more for the
war in Afghanistan.

“The U.S. bailed out GM, but they are closing plants at home and
shifting them overseas.

“Detroit has an unemployment rate of 35 percent and up. We need an
urban policy, an economic recovery, reconstruction from the bottom up.
We have millions of talented workers ready to rebuild our national

King said, “We stand strongly with the local and national movements
for moratoriums on foreclosures. We cannot stand by while people are
thrown out of their homes because of the global economic situation
created by the U.S., while bankers get billions of dollars in

Attorney Jerome Goldberg is a leader of Michigan’s Moratorium NOW!
Coalition against Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs.

“It was exciting to hear the president of the UAW support a moratorium
on foreclosures,” he said after the press conference. “Taxpayers have
given the banks $400 billion to pay off the full cost of foreclosed
mortgages through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This campaign represents
a fundamental change in the stance of the UAW, initiated by the
election of leaders like Bob King and Cindy Estrada. This is a great
time to begin as 400,000 unemployed people nationally are about to
lose their unemployment benefits because Congress refused to extend

King also expressed support for the public sector.

“How is America to be competitive if we lay off teachers and public
workers?” King asked. “The UAW, AFSCME, SEIU, the Steelworkers and the
Teamsters, all workers must come together to demand their First
Amendment rights to organize into strong unions, which are the
greatest anti-poverty tool of all.”

Al Garrett, president of Michigan AFSCME Council 25, which represents
60,000 state, county, and city workers, beamed during the press
conference about the call for solidarity.

“The public workforce in Detroit and across Michigan has been
decimated by this economy,” Garrett said. “But the silence has been
deafening. We are elated to see the UAW and Rainbow Coalition
recognize our plight. We pledge all our resources to make this
campaign happen.”

For further information on the Jobs, Justice and Peace campaign,
contact Michele Martin at UAW Solidarity House, 313.926.5292, or the
Rainbow PUSH Coalition at 773.373.3366.

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