In a message dated 7/22/2010 8:49:59 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_cb31...@gmail.com_ ( : 
> In Marxist theory, those workers (proletarians) in developed  countries
who benefit from the superprofits extracted from the  impoverished
workers of underdeveloped countries form an "aristocracy of  labor." <


A careful reading of Lenin  reveals he makes distinction between the "labor 
aristocracy" and "labor  lieutenants of the capitalist class." Lenin refers 
to the latter as the "upper  strata of the labor aristocracy." 

There is the labor aristocracy  and also "labor lieutenants of the 
capitalist class." 

The first  refers to a historically evolved privileged status of the 
peoples - all classes,  in the imperial centers in relationship to the 
or rather former  colonial world. When these oppressed peoples venture into 
the imperial centers  they are confronted with a social system that trapped 
them into a political  status of second class citizens. The plight of the 
Korean in Japan, the Irish in  England, the Algerian in France, Eastern versus 
Western Europe and of course the  actual history of blacks, browns and 
Indians in America. There has always been a  persistent anti-Chinese political 
and social policy in America that expresses  the evolution of the color factor 
during the era of bourgeois rule.  

Two political categories describe the historical evolution of  imperial 
privilege as a lived experience of the colonials and former colonials.  Those 
colonials venturing to the imperial center that is their colonizer are  
dubbed "national minorities." The Algerian in France is a national minority. In 
England he is a minority. The Irish in England is a national minority and in 
 America a minority.  The Korean in Japan is a national minority and in  
America a minority. It is the status of the majority of citizens of the earth 
in  the imperial centers that prove imperial bribery and privilege.  


The evolution of the old "great industrial  middle class" in America, 
formed on the basis of automotive production is a  thing of our past. This 
industrial middle class was not formed on the  basis of colonial 
subjugation. This middle class was formed based on the advance  of the 
revolution in the imperial centers under the domination of  the capital 
relation. The imperial centers were historically formed based on  conquest, 
of genocide, colonial exploitation and slavery.  

Like most inquiry, the more one studies the issue the more complex  it 
becomes. What is incontestable is historic privilege and  the second  class 
citizenship status of the former colonials in the imperial centers.  

If one view capital as a world wide unified system of accumulation  it is 
fairly obvious that the proletarian masses in the former colonies and  
dependent countries receive a much smaller wage for similar and identical work  
compared with the workers in the imperial centers. The issue is a systemic  
relations rather than isolating one part of the workers wage in the 
imperial  centers are a direct result of colonial plunder. 

II. Jesse Jackson Sr. is a "labor lieutenants of the capitalist class." In  
Europe these "labor lieutenants of the capitalist class" arose and 
consolidated  based on the social democratic movement. In America there never 
was a 
movement  of social democracy whose origins are in the overthrow of the 
feudal order. 


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