Alfred Wagenknecht
Alfred Wagenknecht, 1905Alfred Wagenknecht (1881 -1956) was an
American Marxist activist and political functionary. He is best
remember for having played a critical role in the establishment of the
American Communist Party in 1919 as a leader of the Left Wing Section
of the Socialist Party. Wagenknecht served as Executive Secretary of
the Communist Labor Party of America and the United Communist Party of
America in 1919 and 1920, respectively.

Contents [hide]
1 Biography
1.1 The Socialist years (1904-1919)
1.2 The Communist Years (1919-1956)
1.3 Death and legacy
2 Footnotes
3 Further reading
4 See also

[edit] Biography
[edit] The Socialist years (1904-1919)
Alfred Wagenknecht, called "Wag" (pronounced "Wog") by many of his
friends,[1] was born August 15, 1881 in Görlitz, Germany,[2] the son
of a shoemaker. The family emigrated to the United States in 1884, and
thus the German-born Wagenknecht essentially grew up as an American,
living in Cleveland before departing as a young man for Washington
state, on the West Coast.

Wagenknecht was drawn to radical politics at an early age, elected
Organizer of the Pike Street Branch of Local Seattle, Socialist Party
of America in 1903. In this capacity he organized speakers for the
branch, coordinated "street meetings" designed to bring socialist
ideas to passersby by means of soapbox speakers, and organized social
events such as music recitals and dances.[3]

The next year saw Wagenknecht seving as the Press Agent for Local
Seattle. He was an active member in the party's radical Pike Street
Branch, which engaged in a long-running battle with the moderate
Central Branch throughout the decade.

In 1905 Wagenknecht was married to Hortense Allison, sister of his
party comrade Elmer Allison. Wagenknecht was prominent in the ongoing
free speech fights which Local Seattle had with city officials over
the right to speak in public and hold meetings on city streets and

Wagenknecht was elected to the State Committee of the Socialist Party
of Washington (SPW) in 1905 and was the paid Local Secretary-Treasurer
of a newly reorganized Local Seattle in 1906.[4]

In 1907, with the return of Hermon F. Titus's left wing publication,
The Socialist, to Seattle, Wagenknecht left the employ of Local
Seattle and went to work for Titus as Business Manager for his

Wagenknecht was a delegate of the SPW to the 1908 National Convention
of the Socialist Party, where he fought a bitter battle with a
representative of a moderate faction of the old Local Seattle
organization which had been deprived of its charter by the State
Committee for "political fusionism" late in 1906. The pair argued
their cases on the floor of the convention for 20 minutes each, with
the body ultimately deciding not to intervene against the left wing
State Committee.

In 1912 he was elected Assistant State Secretary of the SPW.[5]

As was the case for many rank-and-file party members of the day,
Wagenknecht was a regular candidate for public office on the Socialist
ticket, running for US Congress in 1906, for Seattle Comptroller in
1908, and for Congress again in 1912 when the party's first choice,
John Wanhope, stepped aside.[5]

In July 1913, Wagenknecht became Editor of the Everett, Washington
Socialist weekly The Commonwealth. Shortly thereafter, Wagenknecht
went to work for the National Office of the Socialist Party of America
for the first time, serving as a National Organizer. In 1914, he was
elected to the governing National Executive Committee of the Socialist
Party for the first time. After his stint in Chicago came to a close,
Wagenknecht moved his family back to Ohio, where he was elected State
Secretary of the Socialist Party of Ohio in 1917, serving through
1919. He was also a delegate to the pivotal 1917 Emergency National
Convention of the SPA, held at the Planters' Hotel in St. Louis,
Missouri, at which the St. Louis Program against the war in Europe was

After American entry into the war, Wagenknecht's unyielding
antimilitarism brought him into conflict with the law. State Secretary
Wagenknecht was indicted along with Local Cuyahoga County head C.E.
Ruthenberg and Ohio State Organizer Charles Baker for allegedly
obstructing the draft. The trio were tried together and found guilty
and sentenced to 1 year in the State Penitentiary on July 21, 1917.
This decision was upheld by the US Supreme Court on Jan. 15, 1918, and
the three were not released until after completion of the sentence
(less time off) on Dec. 8, 1918.

Alfred Wagenknecht, c. 1918Upon his release, "Wag" was elected to the
National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party and worked for
National Office running the party's Propaganda Department. He was an
early and fierce adherent of the Left Wing Manifesto authored by Louis
C. Fraina and was active in the Left Wing Section of the Socialist
Party, the organized faction seeking to "win the Socialist Party for
the Left Wing." Wagenknecht ran for National Executive Secretary of
the Socialist Party in 1919 and was the leading vote-getter in the
race, which was ultimately annulled by the outgoing NEC on account of
purported voting irregularities by the language federations of the

Wagenknecht and the Left Wing attempted to establish themselves as a
parallel National Executive Committee despite the outgoing NEC's
refusal to officially tabulate the vote, and the "new NEC" met one
time in Chicago in August in an attempt to assert authority over the
party apparatus, with Wagenknecht declaring himself "Executive
Secretary Pro Tem." This effort was rebuffed by sitting Executive
Secretary Adolph Germer and the party's Regular faction, however.

[edit] The Communist Years (1919-1956)
Wagenknecht was not eligible to participate in the seminal 1919
Emergency National Convention of the SPA owing to the expulsion of the
Socialist Party of Ohio from the party for their endorsement of the
Left Wing Manifesto, which was portrayed by the Regular-dominated
outgoing NEC as an automatic violation of the party constitution.
Consequently, Wagenknecht cleverly rented a room downstairs from the
SPA's convention at Machinists' Hall in Chicago and ran a parallel
convention to the official one upstairs ( This is portrayed in the
movie "Reds" -CB)  — a gathering which was joined by a steady stream
of disgruntled Left Wing delegates bolting from the official
gathering. Wagenknecht presided over this alternative convention,
which on Aug. 31, 1919, declared itself to be the founding convention
of the Communist Labor Party of America. This convention elected
Wagenknecht as National Secretary of the CLP, a role which he
maintained throughout the organization's brief history.

The CLP was devastated by the raids of the US Department of Justice
headed by A. Mitchell Palmer and his Special Assistant, J. Edgar
Hoover, coordinated actions which began in the fall of 1919 and
reached their zenith with a mass operation conducted during the
evening of Jan. 1/2, 1919. The CLP was driven underground, local
organizations broken up into secret "groups" of no more than 10
members who met furtively, using pseudonyms and attempting to avoid
detection by the authorities. Wagenknecht was known variously as "Paul
Holt," "A.B. Mayer," "A.B. Martin," and "U.P. Duffy" during the
"underground years" of 1920-1923.

In April of 1920, Wagenknecht's former prisonmate, turned Executive
Secretary rival, C.E. Ruthenberg left the Communist Party of America
(CPA) along with a number of co-thinkers and a big portion of the
organization's cash. This Ruthenberg-CPA and Wagenknecht's CLP finally
determined to achieve the organizational unity demanded by the
Communist International at a secret convention held at Bridgman,
Michigan at the end of May 1920. This gathering determined to retain
Wagenknecht as Executive Secretary of the new organization, called the
United Communist Party (UCP), assigning the important role of Editor
of the party's official newspaper, The Communist, to Ruthenberg.
Wagenknecht also served on the UCP's Editorial Committee and on the 3
member Unity Committee which continued to negotiate a merger agreement
with the remaining CPA organization, headed by Charles Dirba. Unity
with this group was finally forged at a May 1921 secret convention
held at the Overlook Mountain House hotel near Woodstock, New York.
Confusingly, this new unified organization retained the name
"Communist Party of America," the same moniker shared by the Dirba
majority and the Ruthenberg minority organizations.

The merger of the UCP meant the end of Wagenknecht's tenure as an
Executive Secretary. From June 1921, Wagenknecht served as the Manger
of the unified CPA's "legal" weekly newspaper, The Toiler, with
Wagenknecht's brother-in-law, Elmer Allison editing the publication.
In 1922, a legal "mass organization" called the Friends of Soviet
Russia was established by the unified CPA, and Wagenknecht was named
by the CEC of the party to head it. He also sat on the Central
Executive Committees of the (underground) unified CPA and the party's
"Legal Political Party" — the Workers Party of America (WPA) — from
1922 to 1923, when the underground party was finally dissolved.
Thereafter, Wagenknecht was made the District Organizer for the tiny
Wilkes Barre district of the WPA, with this job beginning in May of

In 1924, Wagenknecht worked as a "Director of Special Campaigns" for
the WPA, managing the fund-raising drive for The Daily Worker.
Wagenknecht seems to have been difficult for both the
Pepper-Ruthenberg-Lovestone and the Foster-Cannon-Lore factions and
was shipped off to the Philippines to organize trade unions on behalf
of the Red International of Labor Unions (RILU) late in 1924.

Later, Wagenknecht turned his hand to drama, producing and co-starring
in The Passaic Textile Strike, a semi-fictional account of the 1926
strike of 16,000 textile workers at Passaic, New Jersey, initially led
by Wagenknecht and other American Marxist and Communist leaders.

Wagenknecht separated from his wife Hortense in 1930 and was finally
divorced in January of 1948.

In 1933, Wagenknecht served as the Executive Secretary of the National
Committee to Aid Victims of German Fascism, a CP-sponsored "mass
organization." In the fall of that year he ran for the New York State
Assembly in District 14.[6]

Wagenknecht was the State Chairman of the Communist Party in Missouri
from 1938 to 1941 and in Illinois from 1941 to 1945.

[edit] Death and legacy
Wagenknecht remained a Communist Party loyalist for the rest of his
days, dying on Aug. 26, 1956 in Illinois[7] and honored at his passing
with a full-page photograph inside the front cover of Political
Affairs, the theoretical monthly of the Communist Party USA.

[edit] Footnotes
^ See, for example: "Wag's Letter", The Socialist [Seattle], whole no.
341 (August 31, 1907), pg. 3.
^ Roots Web,
^ Alfred Wagenknecht, "Pike Street Branch Notes," The Socialist
[Seattle], whole no. 170 (November 8, 1903), pg. 2.
^ a b Richard Krueger, "Seattle Notes," The Socialist [Seattle], whole
no. 320 (February 16, 1907), pg. 3.
^ a b "John Wanhope Withdraws: Alfred Wagenknecht Becomes Candidate
for Congressman at Large," The Commonwealth [Everett, WA], whole no.
80 (July 12, 1912), pg. 1.
^ "Communist Candidates in New York District Election," The Daily
Worker, vol. 10, no. 241 (October 7, 1933), pg. 5.
^ The Chinn and Myers Families," RootsWeb/ Retrieved March
31, 2010.
[edit] Further reading
Theodore Draper, The Roots of American Communism. New York: Viking Press, 1957.
[edit] See also

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