That piece doesn't even read like a good MRZINE piece, let alone the
usually ponderous, pretentious MR.
All those words and I still can't get a good idea what the guy
actually does. Standardized tests are for the most part
machine-/computer-scored. Some tests require recorded oral responses
(TOEIC, TOEFL) and many require short written responses (little
personal essays on an assigned topic--such as LSAT, GRE, TOEFL, new
additional TOEIC 'Speaking-Writing' test, etc.). The way these are
scored is three people give a holistic response to the mini-essay. If
one response is an outlier, it's thrown out and the thing is scored on
the avg. of two scores. Otherwise, three scores are averaged.

I think the guy means to say that institutional and standardized
testing is a huge money-making business, made even larger because of
the Bushturds out of Texass's drive to leave no child behind, fully
phonically aware as they go to bed hungry or lack medical care or
decent housing.

Test-scoring is but one pathetic aspect of the industry. Pearson wants
to be a big player, as do a lot of other for-profit entities moving
into education.


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