A lot of music watchers have argued that Jaz Coleman, the frontman of
Killing Joke, is over the deepend in paranoia and conspiracy, but when
he shouts stuff like 'Fuck the bankers' and 'take back your country'
at a concert in Greece, he seems pretty sane to me.

He uses the mass rock concert platform to provoke and antagonize. But
I would bet it was music like Killing Joke the kids in the UK were
listening to when they tried to do something about the government. And
The Blood on Your Hands video will never make it to US TV.

Over on Marxmail, they were having a discussion about metal and
Rammstein and politics and it seems to me that Killing Joke largely
invented the sort of artistic spaces Rage Against the Machine and
Rammstein would inhabit. It might seem ironic that Killing Joke had to
go towards a metal sound to find a new audience, but in a way that
takes them back to their beginnings 30 years ago, when they sounded
like they were from another planet. The conclusion on Marxmail about
Rammstein seems to be that because they are ambiguous, they are not
real left. But I think ambiguously is the only way using popular forms
of music to provoke political thinking work. It starts with the
reaction like: what the f- do they actually mean with those lyrics,
with that music, with those images in their video or at their concert?


Jaz: "I'm more concerned with food supply. Yes, there must be change.
But staples are going up so fast. Food prices are predicted to go up
40% in the next couple of years. People's wages are being slashed.
Where is it leading to? You don't have to be Einstein to work it out.
It mustn't be allowed to get to that. What is required is a sweeping
green communism."

Killing Joke 'In Excelsis'

In Excelsis lyrics

Liberty is ours to protect
The glorious pursuit of happiness
The rights of free speech by consent
The right to express discontent

The glory of freedom, simple liberties
In excelsis
The rights of man to eat and drink and breathe
In excelsis
The glory of freedom
The glory of freedom
In excelsis
In excelsis
The glorious pursuit of happiness
In excelsis
In excelsis
In excelsis
In excelsis

Liberty our common goal
Smash the cabals that control
This world is ours
We won't be sold
No profit, interest or loans

The glory of freedom, simple liberties
In excelsis
The rights of man to eat and drink and breathe
In excelsis
The glory of freedom
The glory of freedom
In excelsis
In excelsis
The glorious pursuit of happiness
In excelsis
In excelsis
In excelsis
In excelsis

The glory of freedom, simple liberties
In excelsis
The rights of man to eat and drink and breathe
In excelsis
The glory of freedom
The glory of freedom
In excelsis
In excelsis
The glorious pursuit of happiness
In excelsis
In excelsis
In excelsis
In excelsis

Killing Joke 'Here Comes the Singularity'

Here Comes The Singularity lyrics

World population mass has reached the critical
Humanity shall function as a single cell
Machines design and clone a different race of man
Who is the architect, who is the hidden hand?
Kneel down and freedom’s gone
Speak out – something’s wrong
So when society breaks down in screaming insanity
And when the sky cracks open
Here comes the singularity

Military industrial complex on the rise
Let new Pearl Harbours take no-one by surprise
One million people marched against a traitor’s war
No weapons found and no-one heard their call

Kneel down and freedom’s gone
Speak out – something’s wrong
So when society breaks down in screaming insanity
And when the sky cracks open
Here comes the singularity

Foundations and shareholders identified on lists
Big corporations dismantled brick by brick
Investment bankers crushed like lilies under feet
Let Baboeuf and Saint-Just pass judgement from the street

Kneel down and freedom’s gone
Speak out – something’s wrong
So when society breaks down in screaming insanity
And when the sky cracks open
Here comes the singularity

Kneel down and freedom’s gone

Killing Joke (live in Greece) 'Absolute Dissent'

Killing Joke 'Blood on Your Hands'

Killing Joke 'Total Invasion'

Killing Joke 'European Super State'

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