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We meet today to show our total support for the brave people of Egypt.  Events
are moving at an incredible speed.   That is because we are witnessing a
revolution in action and thanks to the new technology it is being streamed
live on the Internet.

Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians  - young and old – have come out on the
streets against a brutal dictator.   They have braved tear gas, bullets and
the armed thugs.   Thousand have been injured.  Hundreds have been killed,
yet they keep fighting on. Why?  We have been told that they are asking for
bread, for jobs, for an end to poverty – true. But they have also been
fighting for dignity and for their honour and for an end to the shame that
has been visited on a proud people.

Egypt has a great and proud history.  When I was a boy in Ireland, I
thrilled to read of the nationalisation of the Suez Canal.  I and many like
me were inspired by the heroic resistance of the people of Egypt in 1956 to
the armies of France, England and Israel. Egypt represented the hopes for a
better world. Egypt then was a light unto the nations.

But that light faded into the darkness and the corruption of the Mubarak
dictatorship. Instead of representing the cause of Freedom,  Anwar Sadat and
Hosni Mubarak turned Egypt into the friend of tyranny. They did that by
betraying the people of Palestine and becoming the ally of Israel and the
US. When the Zionists slaughtered the Palestinians in Gaza, the Egyptian
Army closed off the southern border and turned Gaza into a prison.

The shame that the Egyptian people felt was terrible to behold.

I want also now to talk of the corruption of the Mubarak regime.  Millions
of Egyptian suffer from terrible poverty.   77 million of the 80 million
Egyptians live on less than $ 1 a day. Unemployment is around 30 % . 7 % of
children cannot afford to go to school. There are 100 thousand homeless
kids.  When Gamal Abdel Nasser died in 1970 he had less than 4000 Egyptian
pounds in the bank.  Today Mubarak is worth A$40 billion.

All that will now change.  Egypt is being reborn.  For the last two nights
the heroic youth have fought with their bare hands to hold onto Tahrir
Square. Tonight after prayers, the people will once again flock to the
square. And the battle song of freedom will be heard in every corner of
Egypt, in every Arab nation and in every corner of the world.

Of course the regime has not stopped slandering the revolution.  At first
they tried to make us afraid of the revolution saying the Muslim Brotherhood
will take over Egypt.  I reject that fear.  I fear no one because they are a
Muslim and I salute the brave men and women of the Brotherhood who have come
to the aid of the revolution and their nation. Tonight the Brotherhood will
be fighting along side Christians and secularists. I salute that unity.

Now the regime is trying to say that the revolution is the work of Israeli
and American spies and agents.  Let us be clear here there are Israeli
agents at work in Egypt and I will name them.  The number one agent of
Israel is Hosni Mubarak.  The other agents are the Vice President Umar
Suleiman, the Prime Minister, Ahmed Shafiq, the Defence Minister, Field
Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, and the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General
Sami Einan.

All these men work for Israel and the United States. For years Mubarak & his
cronies have tortured and murdered anyone who opposed them. The Americans
responded by giving them $1.5 billion dollars in bribes.  I will not call it
aid. The Egyptian people did not get the money.  Mubarak and his cronies
did.  When Barack Obama went to Egypt, he was asked if he thought Mubarak
was “authoritarian”.  He said “no”.  Just a week ago the idiot Vice
President, Joe Biden said that Mubarak was not a dictator.  Obama said
Mubarak was a good friend and he valued his wise counsel. Wikileaks have
made it clear that every American President for the past 30 years knew about
the murders and the torture and they did not care. They did not care because
Mubarak was a loyal servant of the American Empire.

Last nite the dog Mubarak said that he would like to go but if he left there
would be no Stability.  I want to talk about that word. The former Prime
Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, has told us that Mubarak brings stability.
Benyamin Netanyahu also tells us that Mubarak has brought stability.  What
is this stability that Mubarak has brought?  For the people of Egypt it is
the stability of poverty and corruption and hunger.  Mubarak has also
brought the stability of the torture chamber and the graveyard.

The people of Egypt do not want Mubarak’s stability.  They want their
freedom. Tonight they will continue their fight to liberate Cairo. They will
win and tomorrow they will begin the fight to liberate Jerusalem. And when
Jerusalem is free, Freedom will be brought to every Arab nation. And then we
will all join together to bring freedom to the entire world.

Long Live the Egyptian revolution.  Long Live the Egyptian people.

Thank you
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