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>From new Cuba blog "Cuba's Socialist Renewal"
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In this editorial, La Calle del Medio editor Enrique Ubieta takes a
magnifying glass to revolutionary Cuba's notoriously deficient service
culture. He points out that in liberating themselves from capitalist
servitude and servility, Cuba's working people embraced a service
culture in which, more often than not, those who serve feel that it is
beneath their dignity to really serve, which means to take pride and
pleasure in providing a quality service, understanding that the roles
of server and served are mutually interchangeable: the conscientious
waiter who puts a folded napkin under an unstable dining table hopes
that the taxi driver who takes her home from work that night is
punctual, pleasant and does not fill the cab with his vile cigar

Importantly, Ubieta notes that while small salaries may contribute to
indifference on the part of service workers, money isn't everything:
much of the problem is due to what he calls cultural deficiencies, for
which the only remedy is consciousness. Service providers must be more
aware of their responsibilities, and those who are served must be more
aware of their rights. The conversion of many small service entities
into cooperatives and small private businesses should do much to
improve Cuba's service culture. Breaking with the notion that the
socialist-oriented society means state ownership and management of
almost the entire economy, the Cuban Communist Party leadership
proposes a harmonious synthesis of market mechanisms subordinated to
social planning, rather than the premature suppression of the market —
a return to classical Marxism's conception of the period of transition
from capitalism to socialism.

Link to translation:

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