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I admit having no evidence.. if 90% is on one side, then it ought to be over 
quite quickly, before NATO moves in.. in egypt and tunisia, more visuals were 
available, and these showed that the respective rulers had to move out sooner 
later.. from libya, such visuals are absent, maybe because of the tight 
control,  so it makes it difficult to be sure about the momentum of the 
uprising.. of course, the east is a done deal.. 

----- Original Message ----
From: dave x <dave...@gmail.com>
To: rajeshcher...@yahoo.co.in
Sent: Fri, 25 February, 2011 9:38:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Chavez not silent

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

What is your evidence for this? Juan Cole (link I posted earlier), who
seems to have some pretty expert knowledge, says this is not the case
and that 90% is now in rebel hands and that even Gaddafi's own tribe
is split. The way patriotic Libyans can prevent a drawn out civil war
that might invite imperialist intervention is by killing the mofo SOB
as quickly as possible. I support them fully.

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