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A thoughtful commentary from one of South Africa's best left-wing unions ... (and a warning to the ANC?)

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*Reflections on crisis unfolding in North Africa and Arab states*

23 February 2011

The crisis that is unfolding in North Africa and in many Arab speaking states at this time requires very careful reflection. It is perhaps too early to be able to say why this is happening at this time, and what has caused it, but there are a few important pointers emerging.

Firstly, it is quite clear that in each of the countries where an uprising has taken place, or is underway, there is a chronic polarisation of wealth and opportunity. The vast majority of citizens face insecurity and impoverishment, while ruling elites spend ever more recklessly on maintaining their opulent lifestyles. In each of the countries where uprisings are taking place, it has been the young people who have rushed to the front lines, perhaps because their futures are so unsure.

Secondly, there is what can only be described as a ‘crisis of representation’ in other words, the political systems in place are incapable of ensuring that the interests of the poor majority are safeguarded or that the issues which are affecting them are taken seriously and acted upon. Whether it’s the distortion of Mubarak’s parliamentary democracy, Or Gadaffi’s Peoples Committees, there has been a failure to ensure that there is a representative government.

Thirdly there has been the uncovering of substantial levels of corruption and nepotism, linked no doubt to the uninterrupted periods of office that have been occupied by leaders in the region. In the case of Egypt and Libya, this has been reinforced by attempts to create a ruling dynasty with the handover of power and influence to family members.

Fourthly, in each case, the murky hand of US imperialism can be seen to be playing a role. Libya is a case in point. Once regarded as Terrorist Location No 1, Colonel Gadaffi is now treated as royalty by British Prime Ministers and US Presidents alike, all no doubt due to his willingness to employ major US and European oil companies to extract Libya’s vast oil supplies, and to take a hefty cut in the process.

Of course all progressive forces must condemn the machinations of US imperialism, and expose its corrupting influences, but that does not mean to say that we can also ignore the abuses of human and civil rights which takes place in those countries targeted by imperialism for either attack or cooption.

From Cairo to Tripoli the masses are in the process of asserting
fundamental rights that have been denied to them. Without democratic rights, attempts to address the unequal distribution of wealth will remain unfulfilled. Without the right to organise, form independent trade unions and political organisations, or to be able to gather with others to publicly criticise the government that is supposed to be representing your interests, then nothing will change.

For these reasons, we believe that the reaction of Mubarak and now Gadaffi is part of the problem not the solution. If leaders will not address the demands of the masses, will not concede to them the right for free expression, will not respond other than to increase repression and bloodshed, they whoever they are, whatever their past credentials, they have to go, and quickly, before they do more harm. The people will govern, but first they have to take back the power that has been stolen from them.

SAMWU sends its solidarity to all those fighting for democratic rights, and especially the new emerging workers organisations arising from the uprisings. Yours is the future, grasp it while you can!

We also send our condolences to the families of those who lost their loved ones in the struggle for a better life for all.

For further comment, contact Steve Faulkner, SAMWU’s International and Equality Officer on 0828175455.

*Issued by;

Tahir Sema.*
South African Municipal Workers' Union of COSATU
National Media and Publicity Officer

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