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My life as a communist
By Bill McKibben
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My life as a communist actually began without me knowing it, on Friday
evening, when Glenn Beck  spent his program explaining about a
"communistic" conspiracy that included 10 groups in America. One was
350.org, a global campaign to fight climate change that I helped found
three years ago. He even put our logo up on his whiteboard - and next
to it a hammer and sickle.

Since I don't actually watch Mr. Beck, I didn't know about it until
e-mails began to arrive, informing me that indeed I was a communist.
My first reaction was: I'm not a communist. I'm a Methodist.

But then I reconsidered.


I turned 50 last fall - that's half a century not understanding who I
really was. There's something liberating about finding out. After all,
it was Marx who said that above 350 parts per million carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere, we can't have a planet "similar to that on which
civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted." No,
wait, those were NASA scientists. The same people who faked the moon
landing. This is a complicated world; I'm going back to the baseball

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