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OK, but we're not thousands of miles away from the US government and have a
responsibility here to deal with it as American citizens.  Thus while the
dissidents in Libya may have understandable reasons based on their
realpolitik for calling for aid from whomever they can get it and we
certainly shouldn't demonize them or judge their political character solely
by that, assuming they are a homogenous group that speaks with one voice.
 It is an entirely different matter, however,  for us as Americans of Brits
to support that: to support our own government's military adventures; there
were "South Vietnamese" that wanted us in their country as well or Korea,
contras in Nicaragua etc etc. so what?  The equities may indeed favor the
dissidents over Gaddafi, there are conflicts all over the world in this
vein, many more compelling: yet they do not and should not result in
imperial military intervention.  Again, in self serving fashion Yemen and
Bahrain are ignored by our rulers and their media.

Moreover, what do we really know about what's going on there?  What CNN or
USA has told us over a few days or weeks. Let's not get stampeded into a
knee jerk reaction in support of own government.  C'mon, you say this is
somehow unique.  It isn't to this extent at all:  every imperialist war,
particularly by the US and Britain has been preceded by sanctimonious horror
stories and propaganda about how evil the target is and how humanitarian and
ethical imperatives mandate intervention and how we're fighting for freedom
and democracy against tyranny, whether in Vietnam, Nicaragua wherever.
 Let's not give a left cover for that; there are plenty of guys like
Christopher Hitchens out there to do that already.

There may be true in an extraordinary situation like World War 2 which I
don't see that we have here or in Bosnia (my view) after months and years of
conflict had revealed certain horrors.  Here, both my "marxist" and ordinary
citizen parts tell me that this adventure should be opposed and the Libyan
people allowed to sort this out for themselves.  We're not the cops of the
world.  Moreover, we know the whole history of Libya and how the
imperialists have been harassing it for decades, how Gaddafi was bombed in
1986 and his own infant daughter killed.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 3:34 AM, Marv Gandall <marvg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> n 2011-03-21, at 2:06 AM, Tom Cod wrote:
> > How about this:  HANDS OFF LIBYA!
> *http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2011-03-21-Benghazi21_ST_N.htm
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