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On 5/8/11 2:46 PM, T wrote:
Political criticisms in reply:

“The argument that the Bulgarian peasant movement of 1923 led
inexorably to the rise of a bourgeois nationalist regime in Venezuela
today has no foundation in fact, and is complete nonsense.  It
contributes less than nothing to our understanding of anything.
Furthermore, a bourgeois nationalist regime is worthy of defense when
attacked by the U.S. Empire, and failure to make that clear serves
the U.S. Empire.”

This criticizes, however harshly, the argument, rather than
invidiously characterizing the person, and therefore would be



As it turns out, there is no greater insult in Marxist circles than to be called a reformist. I would rather be called an asshole (and actually enjoy it, if not plead guilty of the charge) than a reformist.

I doubt that many people have read this, but I have something written up on www.marxmail.org:

MODERATION PRINCIPLES: The Marxism mailing list is extremely permissive. There are a couple of things that are frowned upon strongly. If you come to the list with the attitude that you are a true Bolshevik, who needs to convert 'Mensheviks' to your beliefs, you will be unsubbed. Members of self-declared vanguard parties who can adjust to the tolerant atmosphere of the list are more than welcome, since they usually bring with them years of Marxist study and political experience. We also welcome non-Marxists who come to the list in a respectful attitude, desiring to learn more. However, if you have decided for yourself that Marxism is wrong and that your purpose on the list is to struggle to convince others of that, you should not subscribe. The Internet has many forums where Marxists and anti-Marxists can debate. This is not one of them.

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