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On 11/6/11 1:59 PM, Joseph Catron wrote:
On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Eli Stephens<elishasteph...@hotmail.com>wrote:

Really, Louis? "Syrian hospitals become torture chambers" posted on Oct. 25
doesn't count?

An oldie but a goodie! I remember hearing the same one about Gaza hospitals
during the failed coup here. Curiously, actual employees at the hospitals
seem pretty convinced that such a thing never happened ...

Amnesty International is responsible for the report linking Syrian hospitals to torture:


I think they are quite credible on such matters.

As far as the Gaza business is concerned, that claim was made by the Palestinian Authority. Why you would want to make an amalgam between Amnesty and Mahmoud Abbas's rotten crew is rather beyond me.

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