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Josh Sager's piece is hardly a worthy foil for the serious points made by
Doug and Jay, as Josh seems happy with piecemeal reforms that attract

Doug and Jay's piece deserves serious attention -- because while they want
revolutionary change, they are confused about how to get it.

They think the majority of people are already disillusioned with the system
and want radical change. If that is so, the only possible explanation for
why a revolution hasn't yet happened is that there haven't yet been enough
Occupiers propagandizing for revolution.

Furthermore, if the masses already realize the futility of demands on
particular issues, addressed to the system, how explain the massive,
widespread mobilizations demanding the indictment of Zimmerman?

Finally, as is typical of this approach, there is fine rhetoric about
building our own system, but nothing about how we can get there. What does
it mean to "occupy the joints" of the system? Do we or do we not have to
end up confronting it, to counterpose in battle our own assemblies (what we
used to call councils or committees) against the state? And if we do,
building such assemblies as a mass force will only come as part of a
prolonged process of mobilizing around specific issues.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Douglas Greene <greene.doug...@ymail.com>wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> Do Occupiers Need Demands
> by Josh Sager
> http://bostonoccupier.com/2012/04/19/do-the-occupiers-need-demands/
> Moving Beyond Demands
> by Doug Enaa Greene and Jay Jubilee
> http://bostonoccupier.com/2012/04/19/beyond-demands/
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