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Certainly the militancy and enthusiasm manifested last year in Madison were 
successfully coopted by the labor hierarchy and the Democratic Party, both of 
whom suceeded in diverting large amounts of energy, to be expended upon the 
magic word "recall" .  The results of that cooptation are painfully obvious now.
Mike G.

El pueblo armado jamas sera aplastado!

 From: Mark Lause <markala...@gmail.com>
To: Mr. Goodman <godisamethod...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2012 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Barry Sheppard on Wisconsin recall defeat
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Like most regulation, Taft-Hartley was embraced by those being
regulated.  It essentially precluded a lot of the activities that
militants in the unions wanted done and labor officialdom wanted not
to do.  It settled these internal tensions in favor of the labor

The relation of the labor movement to Occupy, like that of liberal
politicians to the movement, are ultimately rather blunt.

As I've pointed out several times, they aren't trying to entirely
dissolve Occupy or get Occupy to pass resultions endorsing Democrats.
Their goal is to make sure that Occupy does not develop a mass
independent power base.  This is the common demoninator to everything
they're doing.  If Occupy wants to add a little drama to the News that
is carefully focuse don embrassing the Republicans, who could object?

That's not nuanced, though.  It's all about what reinforces the same,
tired old, failed strategies.


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