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When Joe Biden first ran for president - he courted Gay groups support  - and 
promised he would supportGay/Lesbian rights.  After failing to get the 
nomination and being the candidate, he then voted in Congressagainst Gay 
rights.  The best place to check his voting record would be on military 
spending - and of course his activites andpositions he took on Nicaragua, El 
Salvador, Grenada, Panama, 1991 Gulf War and the barbaric cut off ofmedical and 
food to Iraq by the Clinton Administration, that caused so many civilian deaths 
with a highnumber being children and the elderly.  Biden supports the current 
military efforts in many nations, fromColumbia to the Philippines - and the 
bases and drones.  He favors military weapons over providing needed social 
services in this nation and around the world.  He supports an empire and 
militarism andnot peaceful living with others.  Biden was and is a big 
supporter of the Clintons, especially Hilary .  Itwas the Clintons who cut 
taxes for the wealthy, overturned the financial security laws passed under 
FDR(Glass Seagal), promoted outsourcing of jobs and attacks on labor unions, 
never removed Taft Hartleyand supported and had passed NAFTA.  Bill Clinton did 
cut welfare support for the poor while givingwelfare to the wealthy in the 
formo of oil depletion allowances, agricultural supplements and other nicewords 
- which were government welfare support programs.  Check who gave Joe Biden 
financial support while U. S. Senator - and the corporate list will reveal 
whohe also supported efforts for.  I notice that Dick Cheney and George W. Bush 
continue to not be chargedwith treason - but the whistle blower pvt. Bradlley 
Manning is facing treason charges.  No one diedbecause of Brad Manning, many 
died because of Bush/Cheney.  Biden supports Manning's prosecutionand done 
nothing to prosecute Cheney! Real progressives can not support militarism - 
period.  Honest trade unionists understand there is notfinancial resources for 
both guns and butter - and social services and infrastructure should always 
bepreferred over empire building and militarism for corporate control of world 
resources and increasedrepression at home and eroding rights.     > From: 
> Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 21:23:44 -0400
> Subject: [Marxism] Info on Biden?

> I'm a delegate to the AFT convention, where Joe Biden will be speaking next 
> Sunday. The AFT has endorsed Obama for re-election.
> Can someone recommend articles critical of Biden that I could show to members 
> of a progressive caucus?
> Thanks,
> Glenn

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