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Anywhere that the US has an Embassy (or Consulate for that matter), it can be 
assumed that there IS a CIA Station, with the CIA employees working under the 
guise of being Foreign Service employees, and fully protected by diplomatic 
immunity (hence serving at little or no personal risk to themselves).
Syria would be no exception.
Mike G.

El pueblo armado jamas sera aplastado!

 From: Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com>
To: Mr. Goodman <godisamethod...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] CIA has little presence in Syria
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 7/25/2012 2:47 PM, Ron Jacobs wrote:
> This article, which stated that the CIA was not very present on the ground
> in Syria, contradicts other article sin other mainstream media that tell a
> different story.  Personally, I believe the CIA is in Syria and trying to
> do what it can to influence events.  Naturally, this doesn't mean they are
> having as much success as they woud like, but it doesn't mean they have
> little presence.  When it comes to US inteliignece operatives, I tend to
> believe the articles that overstate their power as opposed to ones like
> this that understate it.  Both work in the agency's favor by obfuscating
> their true role.


The person who posted a link to this article on Lenin's Tomb added this comment:

(Predictable Stalinist reaction: only a naive person would believe this article 
from the bourgeois media which in fact proves the opposite is really true blah 
blah blah...)

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