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The race  issue provided the "justification" for Cuba's "military 
internationalism" in Africa on numerous occasions, including in order to 
support that great progressive humanitarian, Haile mengistu Mariam in Ethiopia.
El pueblo armado jamas sera aplastado!

 From: Ken Hiebert <knhieb...@shaw.ca>
To: Mr. Goodman <godisamethod...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 1:31 PM
Subject: [Marxism] Race in Cuba
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New from MR Press - Race in Cuba: Essays on the Revolution and Racial Inequality

Race in Cuba 

Essays on the Revolution and Racial Inequality

by Esteban Morales Domínguez

edited and translated under the direction of Gary Prevost and August Nimtz, Jr.

"Of all the challenges confronted by the triumphant Cuban revolution in 1959, 
none has proven to be as intractable as the issue of racism. In a thoughtful 
and honest fashion, Esteban Morales lays bare the myths and realities of race 
relations in twentieth-century Cuba. An informed reader would be well served to 
approach the subject of race in Cuba through the insights offered by Morales."
—Louis A. Perez, Jr., professor of history and Director, Institute for the 
Study of the Americas, University of North Carolina

"Esteban Morales Domínguez, a proactive, democratic voice living an integrated 
social-professional-Communist Party cadre life in Cuban socialism, 
straightforwardly posits skin color and racism as transversal life-defining 
subjects that require conscious social science research and special policy 
attention to renovate and advance Cuban socialism as a full participatory 
democratic project with equitable material and spiritual development for all 
—James Counts Early, Director, Cultural Heritage Policy, Center for Folklife 
and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution
As a young militant in the Student Youth movement, Esteban Morales Domínguez 
participated in the overthrow of the Batista regime and the triumph of the 
Cuban Revolution. The revolutionaries, he understood, sought to establish a 
more just and egalitarian society. But Morales, an Afro-Cuban, knew that the 
complicated question of race could not be ignored, or simply willed away in a 
post-revolutionary context. Today, he is one of Cuba’s most prominent 
Afro-Cuban intellectuals and its leading authority on the race question.

Available for the first time in English, the essays collected here describe the 
problem of racial inequality in Cuba, provide evidence of its existence, 
constructively criticize efforts by the Cuban political leadership to end 
discrimination, and point to a possible way forward. Morales surveys the major 
advancements in race relations that occurred as a result of the revolution, but 
does not ignore continuing signs of inequality and discrimination. Instead, he 
argues that the revolution must be an ongoing process and that to truly 
transform society it must continue to confront the question of race in Cuba.
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