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I have the 50-volume print edition of MECW, which I have been gradually collecting since I was in London in 1975, and now with the withdrawal of so much of it from the internet, I'm glad I did, as I can make it available to others in this area where it's the only source. I wonder what thought has been given to translating the complete MEGA project into other languages. I can foresee that a great number of volunteers conversant in German could take on that task all over the world, and I would not expect that any entity would assert copyright privileges over it, so that online editions in many languages would be readily available (and not through editions sold to libraries). But there may be an issue of some kind of coordination to assure accuracy and reliability. There are models for getting the works online certainly, such as MIA, and we owe a huge debt to volunteers David Walters, Andy Blunden, Einde O'Callaghan and others I do not know the names of, but I'm curious as to how the MEGA Project sees that going forward?

Lüko Willms wrote

on Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014 at 01:20, Mark Lause wrote:

> Isn't there also a major project to do an actually complete edition in
> German?

Yes, there is. It is the MEGA - Marx-Engels GesamtAusgabe
> <http://mega.bbaw.de/

There is also a "MEGA digital" available on the Web:
> <http://telota.bbaw.de/mega/>

The German language Wikipedia has an article on MEGA:
> <http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe>

BTW, the MEGA project informed that UNESCO had inscribed the "Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei", draft manuscript page and "Das Kapital. Erster Band", Karl Marx's personal annotated copy in the Memory of the World Heritage Register: -< <http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/flagship-project-activities/memory-of-the-world/register/full-list-of-registered-heritage/registered-heritage-page-5/manifest-der-kommunistischen-partei-draft-manuscript-page-and-das-kapital-erster-band-karl-marxs-personal-annotated-copy/>

> That could make the L&W translation of the shorter collected works
> outdated in any event.

No, it would not. MEGA is a scientific, historical-critical edition which also shows how the author did arrive at what had finally been published. We need also regularly readable publications of those works.

Lüko Willms

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