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On 5/2/14 6:10 PM, Michael Smith wrote:
Oh well, that settles*that*! Kieva locuta, causa finita.

Do you actually have an analysis of why NATO needs to close in on Russia? During the Cold War, the motive was to open up Russia for foreign investment. Right now Russia is the 3rd largest recipient in the world after the USA and China. Exxon and BP just met with their Russian partners to tell them that nothing has changed. Moscow is filled with Gucci shops and Mercedes-Benz dealerships while the Marxist left gets harassed by the cops as if Michael Bloomberg was mayor. Where does all this identification with Putin come from? I can understand why Michael would have become a Maoist when he was young. If you are going to show your parents and American society that you are a rebel, there's no better stance to take than raising the Red Book even if by that point Mao was working on a deal to meet with Nixon and Kissinger.

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