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On 5/21/14 4:09 PM, Andrew Pollack wrote:
Mackler is scheduled to speak with his fellow tankies at the Left Forum.
Hope he gets read the riot act.

Jeff recruited me to the SWP in 1967. Somehow he has the strange idea that his sect can be inflated into becoming Cannon's SWP when it looks like it is moving more in the direction of becoming the new Workers World Party.

Leaving aside the folly of holding up Seymour Hersh's idiotic reporting at this point, it looks to me that Jeff does not know how to write proper prose. Like this:

>>Here’s a sample of the evidence he employed in the London Review of Books to make his case:<<

When I read this sentence, I had the same sensation as if someone had scraped a garden rake across a blackboard. "The evidence he employed"? What the fuck? First of all, there is no "evidence", only the word of unnamed spooks. Beyond that, even if there was evidence, he should have written "the evidence he provided". God, learn to write, Jeff. (He was on Marxmail a while back. He probably walked away in disgust, bless his pointy little head.)
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