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Of course, Modi organises his support base around a fanatical personality cult - during the recent elections, he 'appeared' in dozens of towns and villages by projecting a 3d hologram of himself. This isn't because he has personal charisma but because he effectively markets himself as a hard bastard who can 'get things done'. This ideologeme of the 'Gujarat model' of capitalist development, which is entirely bullshit and hype as far as any claim to commanding growth goes, is very much linked to his reputation as a hard man. For example, the boss of India's biggest business conglomerate, the Tata group, reports glowingly on how Modi facilitated the transfer of a car plant to the state of Gujarat within days. He gives the impression of being a technocrat able to suppress and transcend the quarrelsome arguments and grasping hands of the parliamentary political machine, in order to 'get things done'. So much the worse for troublesome minorities if he has to be a bit rough with them in the process.

And that seems to be why much of the business press admires him. So what if the reasons they so admire him are inextricable from the reasons for his hitherto pariahdom? This is the bourgeoisie we're talking about: they aren't known for being sentimental about mass murder. That is why the rush to normalise and redeem him is on. Mark The Economist ganting for Modi's open door to capital. 'He's a strongman, he'll knock some heads together, he'll get the country open for business again.' Hark at Fareed Zakaria gushing about India's "inspiring" election, creaming his pants for the alliance with American business. Look at American politicians enthusing about his 'economic reforms'. Witness Obama signalling the end of Modi's global pariah status by inviting him to the US despite the visa ban.

full: http://www.leninology.com/2014/05/when-bourgeoisie-goes-fascist.html
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