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What does Marxism sound like? The question could be the opening line of a tedious undergraduate joke – or the natural extension, perhaps, of ecologist Bryan Pijanowski’s attempt last month to record, through the dissemination of a smartphone app, a complete “global soundscape” in a single day. But no, it seems to be the theme behind a potent development in new music, and this week formed the backdrop for a deliciously provocative line-up at the London Contemporary Music Festival.

The evening, titled “Marxist Chillwave”, began with looped piano improvisations on Wagner’s Ring cycle – a body of work in which the composer’s socialist revolutionary sympathies found some expression – and touched base in the 20th century before showcasing young artists of today.

full: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/5bc5d532-e64c-11e3-9a20-00144feabdc0.html#axzz33QiP8zwS
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