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In this article Vijay Prashad writes:

"Assad would be mistaken if he reads the election results as a validation of his rule. It would be far better to see this as a serious call for an end to the war, and for his government to reach out to the rebels on the ground toward rapprochement."

I am rather dismayed to see this sort of punditry from someone who should know better. The formulation smacks of NY Times Op-Ed wise counsel to those in power. In days of yore, you would see someone like Anthony Lewis writing: "President Johnson should understand that continued bombing raids on Hanoi will only deepen Vietnamese resistance."

In fact, people like LBJ and Bashar al-Assad respond to one thing and one thing only: violence. In the case of the Vietnam War, it was rebel violence that decided the day. In Syria, it was MIG's and the failure of rebels to procure anti-aircraft weaponry (plus Hizbollah intervention) that allowed Bashar al-Assad to secure victory. The idea that he will "reach out" to rebels is patently absurd.

I don't know whether Vijay wrote such nonsense because that is what his editors in a bourgeois newspaper expected or because he believes it. For his sake, I hope it is the former.
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