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Moving right along...

From the NYAS page (linked above) on "*Chernobyl: Consequences of the
Catastrophe for People and the Environment*"....

    "This collection of papers, originally published in Russian, was
written by scientists who state that they have summarized the information
about the health and environmental consequences of the Chernobyl disaster
from several hundreds of papers previously published in Slavic language
publications.* In no sense did Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
or the New York Academy of Sciences commission this work; nor by its
publication does the Academy validate the claims made in the original
Slavic language publications cited in the translated papers*. Importantly,
the translated volume has not been formally peer‐reviewed by the New York
Academy of Sciences or by anyone else."

    "Under the editorial practices of Annals at the time, some projects,
such as the Chernobyl translation, were developed and accepted solely to
fulfill the Academy’s broad mandate of providing an open forum for
discussion of scientific questions, rather than to present original
scientific studies or Academy positions. The content of these projects,
conceived as one-off book projects, were not vetted by standard peer

[emphasis added]

Basically this is a refutation of their supposed "endorsement" of this
nonsense that passes for 'science'. Additionally, they note the study is
out of stock and *will not be republished*. There was a huge push back from
actual oncologists and health physics specialists and the NYAS owned up to
blowing it big time for lending their name to this...study. The actual peer
reviews are listed...it did not pass muster.

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