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New on redwedgemagazine.com this week:

“Listening for Mrs. Lynch: Left Culture as Mass Matter” by Joseph Ramsey

Brian Dolinar opens The Black Cultural Front: Black Writers and Artists of
the Depression Generation (University Press of Mississippi, 2012) by
quoting not from a major artist or critic, but from a virtually forgotten
participant in a long-dismembered radical organization, an audience member
at a panel about “Culture” held by the National Negro Congress of 1940.
 During the lively discussion that followed the official presentations, a
woman identified in the proceedings only as “Mrs. Lynch” spoke up,
reminding the room that the cultural front mattered because “it is the
cultural things that keep us from going stark crazy” (3).


“Walter Benjamin and the Classical Marxist Tradition” by Neil Davidson

An earlier version of this article by Neil Davidson appeared in International
Socialism <http://www.isj.org.uk/> 121. An updated version appears in
Davidson’s new book Holding Fast to an Image of the Past: Explorations in
the Marxist Tradition
(Haymarket Books, <http://www.haymarketbooks.org/> 2014). While Davidson’s
article is part of debate with British socialist Chris Nineham we feel it
offers an excellent introduction and method by which to approach the work
of Walter Benjamin. Benjamin is arguably the most important Marxist
cultural critic of the 20th century. His legacy, however, has long been
distorted by sectarian dismissiveness on the one hand and academic
obscurantism on the other. We hope Davidson’s nuanced but rooted Marxist
approach will help to reclaim Benjamin from the academic swamp and help
inoculate practical socialists from a vulgar approach to art and culture.
Most importantly we hope this article contributes to a discussion that
reconciles the best of so-called “Western Marxism” and the Frankfurt School
with the actuality of revolution and immediacy of the class struggle.


“In Defense of Classical Crowd Surfing” by Xavier Pontoon

For the past two weeks, buried within the interminable detritus of most
mainstream news, there has been a real gem of a story. I am speaking, of
course, of David Glowacki: the scientist and artist who was ejected
from a performance of Handel’s Messiah at the Old Vic Theatre in Bristol,
UK for the offense of, apparently, trying to crowd surf.


plus “Bells Being Best Heard in Darkness,” “The Political Murals of
Belfast” and “The Russian Revolution, Stalin and Shostakovich and the Jazz
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