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(A new book questions the assumptions of universities being citadels of "diversity". I would think that Walter Benn Michaels could benefit from reading it.)

Karlin: What was the motivation of you and your Presumed Incompetent coeditors to debunk the general public perception of universities as liberal bastions of academia that embrace professors on merit without regard to gender, class, race or sexual orientation?

Harris: To be honest, we were motivated by our own personal experiences. As women of color faculty ourselves, all of us had faced the "presumption of incompetence" in our own lives, and we suspected the four of us were not alone. We hoped that pulling together a collection of empirical studies, literature reviews and personal stories and essays would help other individual women who were struggling, as well as providing a resource for administrators and others who have power to change procedures and affect the culture of their institutions.

full: http://truth-out.org/progressivepicks/item/24902-interview-corporatization-of-universities-leads-to-increased-academic-career-bias
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