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This despite one or two differences of emphasis I think essentially the WRP 
have the correct balance for BRICS. They support correctly the alliance of the 
Russian and Chinese workers' states in defending the Colonial revolution 
against Imperialism but at the same time the Russian and Chinese bureaucratic 
castes are using it as a bargainship with Imperialism for concessions. Only 
world socialist revolution can stop the nuclear suicide of Imperialism. There 
is no mention of how Lenin and Trotsky would utilize any trade deals to promote 
Socialist revolutions in the semi-Colonies. The WRP since the 1970s have 
adapted to Bourgeois Nationalists within the semi-colonies although they still 
theorectically cling to Permanent Revolution. It is correct for the WRP to say 
Imperialism is going hysterical about the alliance of the Russian and Chinese 
workers' state with the Cuban workers' state and semi-colonies which has a 
dynamic of undermining the Imperialist
 super-profits. If they lose the main source of their profitable wealth this it 
will further undermine their stability within the Imperialist countries. 
Trotskyists defend the workers' states and struggles against Imperialist 
domination of the semi-colonies because it strengthens tendencies towards 
radicalization and socialist revolutions within the Imperialist countries. 
Imperialist banks could be squeezed out of the BRICS bank. Watching CCTV news 
they mentioned that two key American banks are trying to play a role in the 
BRICS bank. I watched Fox News this morning and even some of the right wing 
Neo-Cons do not want a Third World War. One correspondent even called for a 
deal with the Russian Bureaucracy, Another Fox correspondent said that many 
young people were worried already about a nuclear holocaust. This could lead to 
mass protests as it was the same layer that protested against the American 
Imperialist adventure during 2003. The American ruling
 class has to be sober because another adventure could destroy them as a a 
class either through world revolution or nuclear suicide.
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