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Louis N. Proyect, Socialist Alliance did not have a formal position until June, which is what you were told prior to it being adopted. Members justifiably have avoided responding to your abusive troll-like snipes since then and it seems we did not feel the need to specifically inform you of its adoption (but I do remember it being mentioned in a Marxmail post some weeks back).

It remains a fact that there is no doubt a range of opinions in Socialst Alliance on the question (but I doubt many back the far-right, pro-imperialist Kiev regime, or call for the escalation of its war on the people of the east).

It also remains the fact that every word, detail and nuance of articles that appear in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal (http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/187) are not necessarily the "line" of Socialist Alliance, as you like to accuse.

* * *

Louis P.:

I have been repeatedly told, as late as July 1, that this group has either a "range of opinions" on Ukraine or that it has not arrived at one yet.

But today Terry Townsend, the editor of Links and an unabashed Kagarlitskyite, posted an article on Facebook that stated that the group had adopted a position on Ukraine in early June, which included this formulation:

“We stand in solidarity with the popular struggle against austerity and ethno-linguistic oppression that is now unfolding in Ukraine, especially in the country's south-eastern provinces."

The comrades are entitled to any position that they vote for, even when it is an expression of Great Russian chauvinism such as this. It is probably just as well that pretenses as to having a position that differs from John Rees or the Marcyites has been dropped.

But what concerns me is the disconnect between their having adopted that line and the apparently inability of its members to have absorbed that fact. I am against Zinovievism but I am for political clarity. Unless the comrades have fallen victim to an epidemic of sleeping sickness, my suggestion is that they do a better job of staying on top of things. As far as the political position itself, I suppose it will keep them on good terms with an international left that seems to be drawn to RT.com as a moth is to a fame.

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