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With all the focus on the rights of Russian speakers in Ukraine and the
struggle of pro-Russian separatists, it should be lost on nobody that an
imperialist Russia is conducting a war of aggression against its smaller
neighbour, Ukraine. Those were Russian troops that occupied Crimea before
it was annexed. More recently Russia has become even more aggressive and we
have seen reports of Russian armor, operating under Russian flags entering
Eastern Ukraine, for the first time - of course we are suppose to be stupid
about where the "separatists" get their heavy weapons from. We also have
reports of missiles being fired into Ukraine from Russia and Russian war
planes downing Ukrainian planes. So quite apart of the demands and
organization of pro-Russian Ukrainians in the east, we have a Russian war
of aggression against Ukraine.

Now to the case of MH17. We have the Ukrainian telephone intercepts. I
believe they are accurate and have gone into detail as to why I think that.
I have also debunked the Russian "experts" claims that they are fake. The
story they tell is that the shoot down of MH17 was an accident on the part
of the pro-Russian forces. They first thought it was a Ukrainian military
plane and then found out otherwise. This is an explanation I can believe,
although I would add that such an accident was the inevitable result of
Putin's aggressive attempts to impose a no-fly zone over part of the
country he is attacking.

The Russian response is that Ukraine did it and it was no accident but the
sacrifice of 298 lives by Ukraine in the hopes of winning support for its
side, just as the FSA was willing to use sarin on its own people for the
same reason. Their story has many parts. One is that the Ukrainian
intercepts are fakes, prepared well in advance, another is that MH17 was
filled with corpse in the first place, and another is that an Su-25 was
tracking (and possibly shot down) MH17. All of this implies some grand
conspiracy involving multiple branches of the Ukrainian government with
advanced planning and support from the US and possibly also Malaysia Air.

This is why I regard all those that try to argue that technically an Su-25
could shoot down MH17, leaving aside why anyone in the Ukrainian air force
would even choose a plane so unequal to the task when they have much
better, and all the other aspects of the implausible Russian tale, as first
rank Putin apologists.

Now to the question of who shot down MH17, one man, Igor Bezler, claimed
"We have just shot down a plane," and the only plane he could be referring
to is MH17. So who does Igor Bezler work for? If we can answer that we know
who shot down MH17. Bezler claims to be a separatist militia leader of
Horivka, but he is also a Russian GRU agent. He was soviet army airborne in
Afghanistan. Until 2002 he was a Lieutenant Colonel in the GRU, a few years
ago he retired to eastern Ukraine. He was involved in the annexation of
Crimea before turning up in Donestsk. He was talking to another Russian
officer when he reported the downed jet. So is Bezler still under the same
command he has been under for more than 20 years or is he a renege from it?
If he still honors the Russian command, that could explain how he got
control of a BUK. It also means Russia shot down MH17 as part of its war of
aggression against Ukraine and thus even though it be an accident it was
manslaughter committed during the commission of a violent crime, meaning
Russia should be charged with 298 counts of murder in the first degree by
any laws I would respect.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/>
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