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(Was Boris Kagarlitsky there, I wonder.)

Within a month’s time, two conferences of pan-European right-wing radicals took place.

The first one took place in Vienna on the 31st of May and was hosted by Russian billionaire Konstantin Malofeev, the owner of the Moscow-based Marshall Capital. Malofeev is known for financing Russian right-wing extremists who are fighting against Ukrainian authorities in Eastern Ukraine: Igor Girkin, the former colonel at Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate, and Aleksandr Borodai, a Muscovite businessman who is serving as “Prime Minister” of the virtual “Donetsk People’s Republic”. Due to the clandestine nature of the conference, the full guest-list is unknown but Austrian-Swiss journalist Bernhard Odehnal who has revealed this conference argues that the following people were present: Russian fascist Aleksandr Dugin; French National Front’s Marion Maréchal-Le Pen (granddaughter of Jean-Mari Le Pen) and Aymeric Chauprade; Austrian Freedom Party’s Heinz-Christian Strache, John Gudenus and Johann Herzog; Bulgarian Ataka's Volen Siderov; leader of the Spanish Catholic-monarchist Carlist movement Prince Sixtus Henry of Bourbon-Parma; and director of the Swiss financial company Edifin Serge de Pahlen.

Many of the participants hailed Russian current president Vladimir Putin as Europe’s “redeemer” from Americanism, liberalism, secularism and homosexuality.

The second pan-European far right conference took place in Stockholm on the 22nd of June and was called “Identitarian Ideas VI”. It was hosted by the Swedish far right think-tank Motpol (Antithesis) and Swedish far right periodical Nationell Idag (National Today).

At this conference, Austrian identitarian ideologue Markus Willinger presented his new book Europa der Vaterländer (Europe of Fatherlands); Manuel Ochsenreiter, editor of the far right magazine Zuerzt! (First), was talking about geopolitics of the crises in Ukraine, Syria and Kosovo; while Patrik Forsén of the Swedish right-wing extremist Nordisk Ungdom (Nordic Youth), John Morgan of Arktos, Patrik Ehn from Nationell Idag, Eva Charlotta Johansson from Motpol, and Manuel Ochsenreiter discussed Ukraine, Russia and the United States.

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