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The bomb wasn't dropped on Japan for 'racist' reasons. That the US was
racist and justified it's use in part for unstated racist reasons is partly
true; the idea that it did so as the main motivating factor shows a
misunderstanding of Imperialism. It would of used it on Berlin (or a
smaller city) if it the US/UK had one, say, after D-Day. The fact that the
US (and UK) is 'racist' doesn't really mean shit with regard to pounding an
enemy into the dirt. It didn't stop from killing *millions* of German
citizens in carpet bombing German cities with incendiaries (which is where
Curits LeMay go the idea from to do the same to Japanese cities).

How is using the a-bomb really that much different than burning to death
millions of civilians with "convention means" (especially as far more died
from the conventional means than the nuclear ones). I suspect the civilians
being incinerated really didn't care about the distinction.

The reason it used the A-Bomb in large part was to to stare down the USSR
bent on invading northern Japan, let the world know the new boss is in town
and to generally avoid further military actions like Operation Downfall
(assuming one buys into the controversial belief that an invasion of Japan
was imminent and the Japanese gov't was too divided to really offer
unconditional surrender terms).

By July 1st, over 1.5 million Red Army troops were transferred to the
Soviet Far East for such a conflict (along with destroying the Japanese
army in Manchuria, whiich it did handily). On other hand, it's likely the
invasion would of come off rather badly given the situation the Red Army
faced in such an invasion, which almost mirrored the problem with Germans
had with regards to the total lack of dedicated landing craft AND some of
the best and experienced Japanese troops were in Hokkaido waiting for the
Russians should they have chosen to launch such an invasion.

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