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New York Times - 9/6/14

Since Nazi Occupation, a Fist Raised in Resistance


ATHENS — AS protests swirled in Athens during the Greek financial crisis, a 
silver-haired octogenarian could be seen on the front lines, raising a fist at 
the riot police as they shot tear gas into his face. Other times, even on the 
same day, the same man might be standing in front of Parliament, insisting that 
lawmakers repudiate an austerity package demanded by the country’s creditors, 
which he said would only throw Greece into greater hardship.

It was not the first time that the man, Manolis Glezos, at 92 a celebrated 
Greek freedom fighter, had taken to the ramparts to fight for his beliefs. For 
more than 70 years, he has taken an activist’s role in the most critical 
moments of Greece’s modern history.

For his trouble, Mr. Glezos has gotten three death sentences; 12 years in 
prison, where he was tortured; and four years in exile.

Today, he is an iconic figure in Greece, a leftist who transcends ideology and 
a national symbol of resistance — beginning in 1941, when he and a friend, 
Apostolos Santas, ripped down the Nazi flag from the Acropolis, risking death 
as Hitler’s forces conquered Athens.

That brazen act was telegraphed the world over and inspired millions during one 
of Europe’s darkest hours. A snowy mane has replaced the brown locks of Mr. 
Glezos’ youth, and his powerful frame is now stooped. But his steel-gray eyes 
still burn with conviction, especially when he recalls his foray to the 

“We had absolute consciousness that it was a historic moment,” Mr. Glezos said 
one recent weekend at his home in an Athens suburb, where he greeted a reporter 
with a viselike handshake. “No struggle for what you believe in is ever futile.”

He has turned up the volume on that message with his latest fight against 
German-led austerity in Greece, which has gotten him pepper-sprayed, 
hospitalized and arrested. His platform won him a landslide election victory in 
May representing Greece’s leftist party Syriza in the European Parliament, 
where he began work this month as its oldest lawmaker.

“Across Europe, I keep hearing the same theme,” Mr. Glezos said. “People are 
saying, ‘I don’t want others deciding my future for me.’ ”

AFTER the strife of the last century, he said, Europe has made great strides in 
securing peace. Nonetheless, he argued that European democracy had been 
tempered by the power of an elite few, and that the resurgence of far-right 
groups, including the neo-fascist Golden Dawn party in Greece, posed new 

“What I want is to make sure that people can decide their own fate,” Mr. Glezos 

It was a point he planned to press in Brussels, along with what he called an 
“anti-government, anti-system and anti-troika” message, referring to the three 
international lenders that gave Greece two multibillion-dollar bailouts in 
exchange for tough austerity measures. Mr. Glezos claims those terms benefited 
banks while crushing living conditions for average Greeks.

Occasionally, Mr. Glezos can sound extreme, even within the Syriza party, which 
once threatened to take Greece out of the eurozone. He rails about Germany’s 
“colonization” of Europe and has demanded that Berlin pay Greece war 
reparations of up to a trillion euros, much more than the entire cost of 
Greece’s bailout.
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Continue reading the main story

Yet if Mr. Glezos is strident, it is because he believes that “forces of 
oppression” should not prevail, a conviction that gripped him the moment he and 
Mr. Santas sneaked into the Acropolis.

That night the two men, then 18, crept into a cave beneath the Acropolis, armed 
with only a lantern and a knife, and silently made their way to the flagpole 
while unsuspecting German officers drank toasts near the Parthenon to celebrate 
Hitler’s takeover of Crete. After bringing down the Nazi flag, they cut it into 
pieces and buried it in a hole. When Mr. Glezos returned home, his mother 
grabbed him and demanded to know where he had been.

“I opened up my shirt and pulled out a piece of the swastika,” Mr. Glezos 
recalled. “I showed it to her and said, ‘That’s where I was.’ Without saying a 
word, she hugged me and left.”

The next day, Mr. Glezos’ stepfather asked his mother what her son had been 
doing. “Look at the Acropolis, and you will know,” his mother replied. A few 
hours later, the Nazis announced the death penalty for the perpetrators.

“That was my first act of resistance, and I knew there would be others,” 
recalled Mr. Glezos, who was captured by the Germans in 1942 and thrown in 

His death sentence was commuted, but he was jailed the next year by Italian 
occupation forces and again two years later by Greek Nazi collaborators. When 
he tried to escape, he received a life-threatening beating.

AFTER World War II, Greece descended into a four-year civil war pitting the new 
government against the Communist fighters who had resisted the Nazi occupation. 
Mr. Glezos sided with the Communists, a role that earned him two more death 
sentences in 1948, which were reduced to life imprisonment amid an 
international outcry.

While in jail, Mr. Glezos was elected to Parliament. But in 1958, he was 
arrested again on charges of spying for the Soviet Union, which retaliated 
symbolically against Greece by putting Mr. Glezos’ face on a postage stamp.

He went into exile in 1967 after a military government came to power in Greece. 
After democracy was restored in 1974, Mr. Glezos joined leftist movements and 
eventually ran on the Panhellenic Socialist Movement ticket in elections in the 

“I never set out to become a hero,” he said. “I have always followed my 

He paused as he reflected on what had driven him to continue in the face of 
death, imprisonment, torture and exile.

“Before every act of resistance that my friends and I ever took for freedom, we 
said, ‘If one of us dies tomorrow, never forget me,’ ” he recalled.

“Instilled in that phrase,” Mr. Glezos continued, “was the idea that, if 
someone didn’t make it, whenever I walked in the woods and heard the wind in 
the leaves, I would also hear it for them. If I was on the beach and heard the 
waves crashing on the sand, I listened for them. When I drank wine, I savored 
it on their behalf.”

He picked up a sheaf of crayon sketches of him and Mr. Santas holding the Greek 
flag drawn by children at schools across Greece, where the story of how the two 
men took down the Nazi flag is still taught in every class.

“What you see standing before you is not just one person, but all of my 
comrades who are no longer with us,” Mr. Glezos said.

“This is what keeps me going. I have to keep living and fighting and struggling 
for them.”

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