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Sami leader harassed by police on her way to UN conferance
Thomas Nilsen
September 22, 2014

First, all her driver’s car tires were cut up, so they had to get another
car before starting from Lovozero, the main Sami settlement in the Murmansk
region. Sovkina was supposed to catch a plane in Kirkenes on the Norwegian
side of the border.

Her flight destination was New York were she, along with others, should
represent the Russian Indigenous peoples at the United Nations first World
Conference on Indigenous Peoples, an event that kicks off on Monday as part
of the General Assembly’s annual general debate.

Finally on the road, they were stopped between Lovozero and Olenogorsk by
DPS, Russia’s traffic police, claiming the car was speeding. One police was
uniformed, the other was in civilian, Sovkina tells the Murmansk based 7x7
Journal. The police claimed the car could have been stolen and wanted to
check for guns since it could be related to the situation in Ukraine.

They were first allowed to continue after suggesting leaving the car and
calling a taxi.

After a while on the road they were stopped once more, this time the police
wanted to check under the hood of the car. A while later, near the town of
Zapolyarny, they were stopped once again. The policeman asked to see her
passport, a request Valentina Sovkina turned down. She didn’t want to give
her passport away; afraid the police officer would keep it.

Suddenly, a civilian dressed man turn up from nowhere, trying to grab her
bag. Valentina and the man ended up in a fight; he knocked her down, but
she managed to avoid him from running off with the bag. All this happened
as the policeman was watching. First when the man ran away, the policeman
started the hunt.

Sovkina has posted photos on her Facebook profile of the events that
hindered them from catching the plane. First at 2 am by night, the
situation was solved. Then the plane had long before taken off from
Kirkenes airport and the border was closed for the night.

On Sunday, Valentina Sovkina said to Yle Sapmi that she tried the get new
tickets to get New York where the first world conference on indigenous
peoples starts on Monday.

“I’m trying to arrange new tickets and travel again to New York.
Participation of indigenous peoples of the world conference is very
important to us,” Sovkina says.

Valentina Sovkina is the elected head of the Council of Authorized
Representatives of the Sami in the Murmansk Oblast.

Sovkina was not the only Russian attempted by officials not to leave the
country for theUN conference. In Moscow, Rodion Sulyandziga got his
passport sized by FSB at the Sheremetevo airport. Sulyandziga is director
of the Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North and a member
of the committee for preparation of theUN conferance.

On his Facebook profil, Rodion Sulyandziga writes: ” After this incident, I
chose to take a break and to keep silent for considerations of personal
safety, despite the fact that I have been actively involved in the
preparation of this important meeting over the last two years in my
capacity as a member of the Global Coordinating Group and lobby team of the
indigenous peoples.”

On Saturday, a third representative of Russian indigenous peoples was
stopped at Sheremetevo airport in the same way, reports Vedomosti. Anna
Naikanchina’s passport was also confiscated. She is also among those listed
in the official programme as a featured speaker on rights of indigenous
peoples at the national and local level.

Rodion asks on his Facebook profil: ”What is this? What are the authorities
afraid of? This is a policy of intimidation and repression carried out
against a backdrop of mass psychosis… We must not remain sitting in the
foxhole, and it would make no sense to do so… Anna and me will defend our
constitutional rights by all available legal and informational means.”

According to Vedomosti, also the Director of the International Foundation
for Research and Support of Indigenous Peoples of Crimea, Nadir Bekir, got
his passport stolen before his supposed flight to New York.

His taxi was blocked by a minibus from where people in balaclava
confiscated his passport and fled.

Asked by Vedomosti about all the attempts around Russia to hinder
indigenous peoples to travel to New York, FSB’s border service said they
could not comment on the situation.
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