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In New York, Mahmoud Abbas gives weak rhetoric about freedom
Amith Gupta
Tuesday, 23 September 2014 16:48
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Like the social movements Abbas shamelessly referenced in his speech –
abolitionism, feminism, indigenous rights, civil rights, and the
anti-Apartheid movement – progress will not come from collaboration, it
will come from political resistance
Before his address at the UN General Assembly in New York, Palestinian
Authority President Mahmoud Abbas gave a short speech at the Cooper Union,
a university in downtown Manhattan, at an event sponsored by Churches for
Middle East Peace. While some of the pre-event fury was led by pro-Israel
who believed that the mere presence of a Palestinian representative was
somehow an affront to Jewish people, a number of locals decided to picket
the event for other reasons. A group of locals gathered to call upon
Mahmoud Abbas to end his complicity and collaboration with the State of
Israel (disclosure: this writer was among them). Gathering outside the
Cooper Union, a small group of student and community activists held signs
demanding that Abbas respect the rights of Palestinian refugees, abolish
the Palestinian Authority for its collaboration with Israel, and send
Israeli officials to the International Criminal Court.

The speech itself was tepid. Although Abbas pandered to the crowd by
mentioning America's long and diverse social justice history, condemning
the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and other popular media targets, and
speaking vaguely of "women's rights", the content of his speech on
Palestine was typical of Palestinian Authority officials. Namely, it wove
chaotically between collaborating with "the peaceful State of Israel" and
condemning "the occupiers". As Palestinian Authority officials continue to
feel the pressure of a public that largely views them negatively
to those who actively resist the Israeli occupation, all the while Israel
increasingly sees the Palestinian Authority as diplomatically
uncooperative, Palestinian Authority leaders are now forced to pander to
contradicting sentiments.

Throughout his speech, Abbas spoke of the need to recognise the State of
Israel, even while discussing how the Palestinian *Nakba* ["catastrophe",
referring to expulsion of Palestinians by nascent Israel in 1948]
continues. He spoke of the need for America not to let its friend, Israel,
"drive drunk" – while ignoring his own government's history of violent
security collaboration
Israel. He slammed the building of Israeli settlements – with no mention of
his decisions to cede virtually all of East Jerusalem
with major illegal Israeli settlement blocs to Israel, deals that were only
thwarted by Israeli rejectionism. And he spoke of accountability for
Israeli violence in Gaza and the West Bank under international treaties –
while refusing to call for Israeli officials to be tried at the
International Criminal Court
Indeed, after a series of fumbled remarks about the need for the
Palestinian observer state to join international treaties, he then
proffered that he would call to restart negotiations with Israel at the UN
General Assembly. Palestinian Authority officials have refused to hold
Israeli officials accountable at The Hague.

Perhaps most insultingly, Abbas emphasised his hope in American youths by
pointing to the creation of groups like Students for Justice in Palestine
and J-Street. While chapters of the former organisation organise boycotts
of companies complicit in Israeli war crimes, demand the end of
"normalisation" with Israel, and campaign against Israeli occupation,
apartheid and discrimination against refugees, the latter student group has
repeatedly sought to thwart boycotts
describes itself as a "pro-Israel, pro-peace" group, and behaves as a
counter-weight to activism seeking to pressure Israel. Through every such
contradiction, we witness a leader that seeks to maintain legitimacy in the
eyes of both the occupier and the occupied.

In my view, Abbas's most telling comments were about Seeds of Peace. Seeds
of Peace is an American initiative begun in the wake of the Oslo Accords to
bring together Palestinian and Israeli youths for a summer of
"peace-building" activity. In New York, the campers learn of the importance
of peace, dialogue and other such values. But the campers do little to
challenge the actually existing institutions in Israel and Palestine that
continue to keep millions under occupation; instead, the programme
whitewashes this inequality by taking youths out the context of occupation
and placing them on equal footing in an American youth camp. Like the Oslo
Accords and the Palestinian Authority itself, the camp provides the image
of progress, peace, and Palestinian equality – while removing the pressure
of international or domestic opposition demanding human rights as a
prerequisite for engagement.

Millions of dollars have poured into the peace-building industry and
similar kinds of "normalisation" activity that essentially removes pressure
from the Israeli occupation by suggesting the problem is purely cultural or
personal, rather than institutional and systemic. Indeed, the Palestinian
Authority is, in that sense, a more violent version of "Seeds of Peace". As
Israel expands its settlement colonies in occupied Jerusalem and the West
Bank, carries out massacres in Gaza, and continues to deprive millions of
refugees of their right to return, the Palestinian Authority's answer, then
and now, is to continue negotiating with the occupier with only the aura of
equal footing.

There is no doubt that there have been times and instances during which
Abbas has not gone along with Israel's demands – agreeing to a unity deal
with Hamas and applying for limited Palestinian statehood at the United
Nations being two such instances. But those times are exceptional times of
pressure, during which Abbas' legitimacy needed saving. That alone is why
supporters of Palestine should pressure Abbas, rather than cheering him on,
during his engagements with Israel. Indeed, that appears to be what much of
Palestinian society continues to do

Upon leaving the event, I noticed that the demonstrators demanding that
Abbas hold Israel accountable had been replaced with a group of pro-Israel
demonstrators. Focusing on the rhyming, they chanted, "Hamas adores Abbas!
Abbas adores Hamas!" While it is true that both Abbas and Hamas entered
into a unity deal prior to the mass destruction that Israel wrought on
Gaza, the deal did not show a love affair between Abbas and Hamas. Rather,
it likely demonstrated that both factions were weak and were forced to
compromise on key aspects of their platforms in order to maintain relevance
in Palestine.

But what struck me about the chanting, like the other pro-Israel students,
was that even those who collaborate with Israel, emphasise toothless
initiatives like "Seeds of Peace" and speak of praying with Shimon Peres
and the Pope, are still too much. Behind the scenes, such people claim,
Abbas and his primary political rival, the resistance faction that refuses
to negotiate with the state that has them under occupation, are actually
allies. It appears that for them, like the Israeli government, no amount of
Palestinian submission is ever enough; even hinting at accountability,
autonomy, or bringing resistance groups into the fold of diplomacy is too
much. Perhaps that is why supporters of Palestine should cease to see hope
in the two-faced comments of Palestinian Authority leaders. Like the social
movements Abbas shamelessly referenced in his speech – abolitionism,
feminism, indigenous rights, civil rights, and the anti-Apartheid movement
– progress will not come from collaboration, it will come from political

*Amith Gupta is a US-based Palestine solidarity activist. He is a law
student at NYU.*
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