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A Chinese friend has translated my book Why Unions Matter into Chinese. No 
mainland publisher would touch it, so he got a publisher in Taiwan to do it. It 
is now in layout. The plan is to then publish a version in a kind of samidzat 
form and distribute it informally to workers in China. My friend is active in 
the Hong Kong protests, as are several others I know. It seems pretty clear 
that these are serious protests, homegrown, and deserving of support worldwide. 
No doubt the US is assessing the situation and trying to figure out what course 
of action to take. However, though I know people whom I respect who believe 
that there is revolutionary potential in the Chinese Communist Party, I don't 
believe this to be the case and it hasn't been for a long time. Give capitalism 
an inch and it will take a mile. In China, capitalism has taken many miles, so 
many that it won't be stopped except by mass worker and peasant uprisings. The 
struggle for democracy is in itself an important uprising, 
 and it goes hand in hand with every other kind of struggle. Support for the 
Chinese Communist Party shouldn't blind anyone toward the view that opposition 
to it must therefore be a part of some nefarious US plot.                       
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