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The Origin of Rosa Luxemburg's Slogan 'Socialism or Barbarism'

October 21, 2014
By Ian Angus
John Riddle, "Marxist Essays and Commentary" (October 21, 2014)

The origin of Rosa Luxemburg's slogan 'socialism or barbarism'

  Ian Angus traces an important socialist slogan to its unexpected source
Climate & Capitalism's tagline, "Ecosocialism or barbarism: There is no third 
way," is based on the slogan, "Socialism or Barbarism," which Rosa Luxemburg 
raised to such great effect during World War I and the subsequent German 
revolution, and which has been adopted by many socialists since then.
The puzzle is: where did the concept come from? Luxemburg's own account doesn't 
hold water, and neither do the attempts of left-wing scholars to explain (or 
explain away) the confusion in her explanation.
Luxemburg first raised the idea that humanity faced a choice between the 
victory of socialism and the end of civilization in a powerful antiwar pamphlet 
she wrote in prison in 1915. The Crisis in German Social Democracy - better 
known as The Junius Pamphlet, after the pen name she used to avoid prosecution 
- played a key role in educating and organizing a revolutionary left opposition 
to the pro-war leadership of the German Social Democratic Party.
Luxemburg attributed the concept to one of the founders of modern socialism:
"Friedrich Engels once said: 'Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, 
either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism.' . Until now, we 
have all probably read and repeated these words thoughtlessly, without 
suspecting their fearsome seriousness. . Today, we face the choice exactly as 
Friedrich Engels foresaw it a generation ago: either the triumph of imperialism 
and the collapse of all civilization as in ancient Rome, depopulation, 
desolation, degeneration - a great cemetery. Or the victory of socialism, that 
means the conscious active struggle of the international proletariat against 
imperialism and its method of war."
Here's the problem: Despite many careful searches through his published and 
unpublished works, no one has found the words that Friedrich Engels supposedly 
said. So what's going on?
First, we should note that the English translation incorrectly puts quotation 
marks around the sentence Luxemburg attributed to Engels. Those marks do not 
appear in her German text, which indicates that she wasn't offering a direct 
quote, and we shouldn't expect to find those exact words in Engels. That's even 
more the case because she was writing in prison, with limited access to 
socialist books, so we must make allowances for memory errors.
With that in mind, let's look at the suggestions three scholars have made for 
passages that Luxemburg might have had in mind when she attributed the sentence 
"Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or 
regression into barbarism," to Engels.
Three explanations
In The Rosa Luxemburg Reader, editors Peter Hudis and Kevin B. Anderson write: 
"Luxemburg probably has in mind a passage in the Communist Manifesto where Marx 
and Engels speak of class struggles resulting in 'either a revolutionary 
constitution of society at large or the common ruin of the contending classes.'"
Although that passage expresses a related idea, there are three serious 
objections to it as Luxemburg's source. First, her wording is so different from 
the Manifesto's that it's hard to imagine her getting it so wrong, even quoting 
from memory. Second, it's unlikely that she would attribute a passage from Marx 
& Engels' best-known collaboration to Engels alone. And third, the standard 
English translation I've quoted above, which Hudis and Anderson also use, omits 
three important words that appear after "as Friedrich Engels foresaw it a 
generation ago" in the original German: vor vierzig Jahren. Surely no one 
writing in 1915 would refer to 1848, when the Manifesto was published, as forty 
years ago.
Forty years would go back to the mid-1870s, which directs our attention to 
Anti-Dühring, which Engels published in serial form in 1877-78, and as a book 
in 1879. Since it was the most comprehensive statement of the Marxist worldview 
written by either of the movement's founders, it's a reasonable place to look 
for quotes similar to the one Luxemburg attributed to Engels - and two scholars 
have done just that.
In The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Norman Geras suggests that she was "probably" 
referring to a passage in which Engels disputes Dühring's claim that force, not 
economic development, is the dominant factor in history. Engels argues that 
attempts to use force to turn back economic progress have almost always failed, 
except in a few "isolated cases of conquest, in which the more barbarian 
conquerors exterminated or drove out the population of a country and laid waste 
or allowed to go to ruin productive forces which they did not know how to use." 
As an example, he cites the Christian invaders who let advanced irrigation 
systems decay after they overthrew Muslim rule in Spain.
That passage does discuss a disastrous conflict between civilization (Muslims) 
and barbarians (Christians) which the latter won, but it says nothing about 
capitalism or socialism, nor did Engels draw the general conclusion Luxemburg 
attributes to him. Nice try, but it doesn't work.
In a recent essay, Michael Löwy suggests that Luxemburg may have been referring 
to this passage in Anti-Dühring:
"both the productive forces created by the modern capitalist mode of production 
and the system of distribution of goods established by it have come into crying 
contradiction with that mode of production itself, and in fact to such a degree 
that, if the whole of modern society is not to perish, a revolution in the mode 
of production and distribution must take place."
Again, this expresses a related concept, but as Löwy firmly points out, the 
passage is "quite different," in both words and meaning, from the quote 
Luxemburg attributes to Engels. Löwy concludes that the search for a source for 
Luxemburg's slogan is bound to fail, because:
"In fact, it is Rosa Luxemburg who invented, in the strong sense of the word, 
the expression 'socialism or barbarism,' which was to have such a great impact 
in the course of the twentieth century. If she refers to Engels, it is perhaps 
to try to give more legitimacy to a fairly heterodox thesis."
That's a reasonable conclusion, but I think it's wrong. For one thing, the idea 
that Luxemburg invented the expression in 1915 is contradicted by her assertion 
that "we have all probably read and repeated these words thoughtlessly." It is 
clear that she expected her readers to be familiar with the phrase: it wasn't 
something new and strange. And that means there was a third-party source.
Drum roll, please ..
The source
The search for Luxemburg's quotation in Engels' works is bound to fail, because 
he didn't say it. The problem isn't misquotation, it is misattribution.

 Karl Kautsky

The author of the sentence Luxemburg quotes, and of the "socialism or 
barbarism" concept more generally, was not Engels, but the man who was widely 
viewed as the most authoritative Marxist theoretician after Marx and Engels - 
Karl Kautsky.
The German Social Democratic Party (SPD) was founded in 1875 as a merger 
between Marxists and followers of Ferdinand Lassalle, with a program that was 
broadly socialist but not Marxist. In 1891 Karl Kautsky and Eduard Bernstein 
drafted a Marxist program that Kautsky rewrote after public discussion: it was 
adopted at a party congress in Erfurt that year. The Erfurt Program, as it was 
known, remained the SPD's official program until after World War I, and was 
widely used by socialist parties in other countries as a model: Lenin, for 
example, based his 1896 draft program for Russian socialists on it.
The program itself was deliberately brief - just over 1300 words in English 
translation - with little in the way of explanation or argument, so Kautsky 
then wrote a book-length popular commentary on it, explaining the program and 
arguing the case for socialism. Das Erfurter Programm in seinem grundsätzlichen 
Teil erläutert (The Erfurt Program: A Discussion of Fundamentals) was published 
in 1892. Historian Donald Sassoon writes that the program "became one of the 
most widely read texts of socialist activists throughout Europe" and Kautsky's 
commentary "was translated into sixteen languages before 1914 and became the 
accepted popular summa of Marxism" around the world.
Rosa Luxemburg, who became active in the Polish and German socialist movements 
in the 1880s, undoubtedly read Kautsky's book, and would have heard its ideas 
discussed many times. Chapter 4 includes this passage:
"I indeed the socialist commonwealth were an impossibility, then mankind would 
be cut off from all further economic development. In that event modern society 
would decay, as did the Roman empire nearly two thousand years ago, and finally 
relapse into barbarism.
"As things stand today capitalist civilization cannot continue; we must either 
move forward into socialism or fall back into barbarism."
The similarities between this passage and the one quoted above from The Junius 
Pamphlet are obvious. The crucial final clause in Kautsky is virtually 
identical to its counterpart in Luxemburg's "Engels quote" -

  Kautsky 1892: we must either move forward into socialism or fall back into 
barbarism (es heißt entweder vorwärts zum Sozialismus oder rückwärts in die 
  Luxemburg 1915: either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism 
(entweder Übergang zum Sozialismus oder Rückfall in die Barbarei)

Luxemburg has used nouns instead of verbs, but otherwise the two are the same.
Further confirmation that Luxemburg's words had their origins in Kautsky's book 
is found in the fact that both refer to the fall of the Roman Empire as an 
example of a society that regressed because it failed to move forward, a 
subject Löwy unfortunately dismisses as "not very relevant."
So why did Rosa attribute the "socialism or barbarism" idea to Engels instead 
of Kautsky? It's impossible to know for sure, but it seems likely that after 
two decades of wide use as the popular explanation of socialism, many of the 
concepts and forms of expression in Kautsky's book had become common currency 
in socialist circles, to the point where the words were detached from their 
specific origin. Think of the many quotations that are wrongly attributed to 
Albert Einstein, and you'll have an idea of how Kautsky's phrase could be 
credited to Engels. When she quoted it from memory in prison in 1915, Rosa 
Luxemburg made an informed (but wrong) guess that the most likely place to find 
it would be Anti-Dühring, so she added the "40 years ago" reference. Her 
pamphlet then had to be printed in Switzerland and circulated illegally in 
Germany, so detailed source-checking wasn't on the agenda.
Kautsky's authorship of "socialism or barbarism" wasn't identified before this, 
I suspect, because after he condemned the Bolshevik revolution, socialists 
stopped reading Kautsky. As someone has joked, thanks to Lenin's polemic many 
people think that Kautsky's given name was Renegade. Most of his works are now 
out of print or available only in German in expensive academic editions. As 
this case shows, that neglect has made it more difficult to understand 
If I'm correct, then Michael Löwy is wrong to suggest that Luxemburg "invented, 
in the strong sense of the word, the expression 'socialism or barbarism.'" 
Rather, she wrote "we have all probably read and repeated these words" because 
that was the simple truth - as a result of Kautsky's widely-read book, the idea 
that humanity must move forward into socialism or fall back to barbarism was 
already well-known among socialists in Germany.
Her great contribution was to give "socialism or barbarism" a more immediate 
and profound revolutionary meaning than the original author intended. The words 
came from Karl Kautsky, but Rosa Luxemburg gave them wings.
Ian Angus is editor of the ecosocialist journal Climate & Capitalism.

 Related reading:

 Ian Angus: "The Spectre of 21st Century Barbarism"
Rosa Luxemburg's The Junius Pamphlet - The Crisis in German Social Democracy is 
posted in the Marxist Internet Archive in English and German, and is available 
in many printed anthologies. Every English version that I've seen includes the 
errors and omissions described above.
Karl Kautsky's Das Erfurter Programm in seinem grundsätzlichen Teil erläutert 
is also posted in German in the Marxist Internet Archive, and in English under 
the title The Class Struggle. (Note: in Lenin Rediscovered, historian Lars Lih 
describes the English translation as "a bowdlerised abridgement.")
Some examples of quotations that are inaccurately attributed to Einstein are 
Other works cited
Friedrich Engels. Herr Eugen Dühring's Revolution in Science (Anti-Dühring). 
Progress Publishers, 1969. Also in Marx Engels Collected Works, Volume 25, and 
in the Marxist Internet Archive.
Norman Geras. The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. NLB Books, 1976, and Verso Books, 
Peter Hudis and Kevin B. Anderson, editors. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader. Monthly 
Review Press, 2004.
Michael Löwy. "The spark ignites in the action - the philosophy of praxis in 
the thought of Rosa Luxemburg." International Viewpoint, May 2011.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto. In the Marxist 
Internet Archive and very many printed editions
Donald Sassoon. One Hundred Years of Socialism. New Press, 1996.


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