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On 10/24/14 5:02 PM, Clay Claiborne wrote:
Since I'm now in San Antonio, I will add one more piece to this story. I
resentful got around to visiting the Alamo, but I didn't see one
indication that the real freedom Davy Crockett etc al were fighting for
was the freedom to own slaves. Mexico had recently outlawed slavery.

From my article on the Comanches behind a JSTOR paywall.

Long before sociobiology existed, American politicians in 1846 used similar arguments when they went to war against Mexico. They wanted to put a Hobbesian end to the “cycles of bloody vendettas” that the epicene Spaniards were incapable of ending. A strong state had to subdue warring tribes, no matter the cost in blood and treasure. Brian DeLay writes about the racist ideology that was used to justify intervention against the Mexicans and ultimately the ethnic cleansing of the Comanche:

Much of the intellectual nourishment this transformation depended upon came from Europe, and it matured during America's long experiences with African American slaves and with Indians. In both cases, controversies during the 1820s and 1830s ignited feverish attempts to shore up the intellectual foundations of racial science. Pseudoscientific monographs on the phenomenon and consequences of race mixing, the emerging fields of ethnological classification and phrenology (the study of character and mental capacity through close examination of skulls), and historical attempts to locate the genesis and developmental trajectory of the Anglo-Saxon race all lent legitimacy to hardening and self-serving racial values. Proponents of slavery defended their institution against abolitionist rhetoric with increasingly complicated racialist logic. Likewise, the architects of Indian removal relied upon a growing body of literature heralding the inevitable extinction of inferior races before the God-ordained march of the Anglo-American millions. (DeLay, 2008, 245)

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