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I'm trying to find info on how countries with socialized medicine make and
revise budgets for hospitals, clinics and staff.

In the US we have a Rube Goldberg machine-style "system," the base of which
are Diagnoses-Related Groups, which are used to estimate how much
Medicare/Medicaid should allow hospitals to spend on clinically-similar
cases. Slapped on top of that are newer Value-Based Purchasing and
Accountable Care Organization schemes in which providers are penalized
and/or rewarded for meeting certain process and outcome goals within and
across partnering institutions.
There is no healthcare "market" in reality (despite all the rhetoric about
giving healthcare "consumers" "choice."

Nor, on the other hand is their real planning, but rather a jerry-rigged
system in-between.


How do they do it in Cuba, in the UK, in the VA system here in the US? Are
budgets drawn up based on people and resources actually employed and used?
Are there fixed amounts based on patient flow? Some other criteria?
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