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Simply an allusion to how the mafia was/is used in Italy?

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27 okt 2014 kl. 17:19 skrev CallMe Ishmael via Marxism 

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> Wondering if anyone can help me with this passage from the first chapter of
> Dashiell Hammett's "Red Harvest" (1929):
> "The strike lasted eight months. Both sides bled plenty. The wobblies had
> to do their own bleeding. Old Elihu hired gunmen, strike-breakers, national
> guardsmen and even parts of the regular army, to do his. When the last
> skull had been cracked, the last rib kicked in, organized labor in
> Personville was a used firecracker.
> But, said Bill Quint, Old Elihu didn’t know his Italian history. He won the
> strike, but he lost his hold on the city and the state. To beat the miners
> he had to let his hired thugs run wild. When the fight was over he couldn’t
> get rid of them. He had given his city to them and he wasn’t strong enough
> to take it away from them. Personville looked good to them and they took it
> over. They had won his strike for him and they took the city for their
> spoils."
> What's that about Italian history? What's he referring to?
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