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(This is a review of Reese Erlich's new book on Syria by Conn Hallinan. I have found Erlich's articles most useful over the past 3 years.)

Erlich maintains that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s economic “reforms” helped impel the current uprising. Adopting neoliberal policies, Assad sold off state-owned enterprises—generally to regime allies and insiders—and opened the economy to outside competition. The result—aided by a long-running drought—was growing impoverishment and lots of unemployed youth. Joblessness and economic crisis is a volatile mix and needs only an “incident” to set it off. That happened in March 2011 in the southern city of Daraa, when Syrian security forces brutally attacked peaceful demonstrators.

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/10/29/the-syrian-labyrinth/
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