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NY Times, Nov. 1 2014
At First Look Media, Personalities Prove Tough to Manage

When First Look Media, the journalism enterprise backed by the billionaire founder of eBay, Pierre M. Omidyar, started about a year ago, its mission was clear.

Mr. Omidyar would personally invest $250 million to build a company that would hold the powerful accountable. He paid lavishly to recruit adversarial reporters like Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, who had received classified documents from the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden, and Matt Taibbi, who used a piercing wit and deep reporting to skewer most of Wall Street during his time at Rolling Stone magazine.

And then Mr. Omidyar tried to manage them.

Mr. Taibbi abruptly left First Look this week without ever writing a story. On Thursday, an unusual article appeared on The Intercept, a First Look-owned site started by Mr. Greenwald and others. It described a power struggle inside First Look between Silicon Valley executives “and the fiercely independent journalists who view corporate cultures and management-speak with disdain.”

Mr. Omidyar, according to people with knowledge of internal discussions at First Look who spoke on condition of anonymity, seemed not to realize what he had gotten into by hiring so many aggressive and competitive journalists and then trying to manage them largely from his home in Hawaii, with only sporadic visits to First Look’s offices.

The Racket, a so-far-unpublished digital magazine Mr. Taibbi was brought in to create, was envisioned as a modern version of Spy magazine, whose blend of satire and reporting skewered the establishment in the 1980s and 1990s. But it has so far been subject to the kind of muckraking it aspired to. As for its fate — and those of its dozen or so employees — it’s unlikely to continue as Mr. Taibbi envisioned it, people inside First Look say, though there is a desire to keep the publication in some form. Morale inside the company was damaged, these people said, and there is concern over retaining and hiring staff. Mr. Taibbi, meanwhile, has a feature article in the next issue of Rolling Stone, the magazine said on Friday. Representatives of First Look and Mr. Taibbi declined to comment.

The loss of Mr. Taibbi, a journalist with an avid following, is a blow to First Look as it tries to distinguish itself in a fiercely competitive and crowded start-up digital media market. Among others, Fusion, Vox and Quartz have been hiring reporters and editors with web experience. Medium, started by two of the founders of Twitter, is something between a publisher and a platform. And BuzzFeed and Vice have recently expanded their reporting ambitions and raised millions from eager investors. Even older companies like Bloomberg Media are seeking to revamp themselves with infusions of fresh talent.

First Look has been among the best funded and most promising of those sites. Mr. Omidyar’s $250 million investment matched the amount that Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, paid for The Washington Post in August, and First Look’s first prominent hire, Mr. Greenwald, went on to win the Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on Mr. Snowden. It made significant noneditorial hires, including bringing in as its top lawyer the former general counsel of The New Yorker magazine.

The nearly 2,000-word article described Mr. Omidyar as a micromanager who personally approved reporters’ expenses and imposed a three-month hiring freeze just as they were building their staffs. The article also reported that a female employee had accused Mr. Taibbi of being “verbally abusive and unprofessionally hostile,” behavior that it said was perhaps motivated in part by her gender.

In a statement attached to the article, Alex Pareene, The Racket’s executive editor, disputed that account and said he had never witnessed such hostility by Mr. Taibbi. First Look Media, he said, “repeatedly took incidents that should’ve been minor hiccups of the sort experienced at any media company or start-up and, through incompetence, escalated them into full-blown crises.” His account was supported by others at the company.

For industry observers, a clash between a low-profile billionaire and an iconoclastic reporter was hard to resist. Paul Carr, the editorial director of PandoDaily, a Silicon Valley news site, published part of an off-the-record conversation in which Mr. Carr accused Mr. Omidyar of editorial interference. First Look’s journalists deny that charge.

Others noted the inherent challenges in journalism start-ups that seek to build themselves around big names. “The naïveté of trying to construct something around very irascible personalities is coming to the front,” said Rafat Ali, the co-founder of Skift, a website covering the travel industry, and the media news site PaidContent. “Back in the day, there was a reason there were temperamental journalists and then editors and subeditors. Editors were the people who managed these egos.”

Jay Rosen, a journalism professor at New York University, who was an adviser to First Look until October, before parting amicably, said in an interview on Friday that one of the things he had learned was that “it’s very hard to start an editorial organization from nothing. To have no structure is impossible.”

New York magazine, which broke the news of Mr. Taibbi’s departure, plans to run a longer story on the dispute next week. It will, the magazine said, describe Mr. Omidyar as “mild-mannered” and “looking for a way to spend his time and fortune.”

Mr. Omidyar’s concerns about the atmosphere at First Look can perhaps be guessed from a job description for a publisher to oversee both The Racket and The Intercept. The posting was emailed to prospective candidates in recent weeks and obtained by The New York Times. Requirements included “interacts civilly,” “ego in check: it’s about the team, not about me” and “you care more about the company’s success than about your title or status.” It also specified reacting “calmly to criticism and negative feedback.”

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